Michigan asks victims of sexual assault to come forward day after criminal investigation ended

From the article above:

Christian says he howled while Anderson put his fingers inside of him.

"He was a fat doctor with fat fingers. That hurt like crazy," he said. "I was screaming in pain, but I knew not to scream at him because I knew I had to do that to play. It wasn't going to do me any good to scream at him."
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"Chuck learned about the reported attempts to warn coaches at Michigan about Anderson before he arrived on campus. He told LaDonna about the men who were now saying that leaders at their alma mater ignored them. Now LaDonna has a hard time even walking into the basement room with the big "Block M" logo and the Schembechler motto painted on the wall."
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Dr. "Handerson" was Jim Harbaugh's family doctor.

"Dr. Anderson was our family doctor for us as kids, I was 9 or 10 years old, Dr. Anderson, Dr. Graves was the other family doctor," Harbaugh said Wednesday during a Zoom call with reporters, according to the Detroit Free Press.

"Those two doctors. And then also when I played here at Michigan, Dr. Anderson was the team doctor. Took a physical for every youth sport that I played and also when I was here in college for football, yearly physical. "Never saw anything inappropriate, nor did I ever hear anything that was inappropriate about Dr. Anderson. Never experienced anything inappropriate, never heard any time where there was anything inappropriate by Dr. Anderson."

Of course Jim knew. They all knew. They all knew and did nothing. #JimKnew
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Strange, as a judge previously ordered Michigan NOT to funnel prospective victims through their law firm.

Email messages were sent to alumni on Tuesday morning and letters were delivered to the Postal Service on Monday. In the letter, U-M President Mark Schlissel asks former students to contact the investigative team at WilmerHale law firm “if you had any experience with Anderson you wish to report or if you have any other information you believe may be relevant.”

“When it completes its investigation, WilmerHale will issue a public report," Schlissel’s letter reads. “The report will include a full accounting of Anderson’s conduct, a discussion of any institutional failings that may have allowed him to harm others, and recommendations for preventing what Anderson is alleged to have done from happening ever again.

"The university will not influence or interfere with the investigation, nor will the university receive WilmerHale’s report until it is released to the public.”
Dr. "Handerson" was Jim Harbaugh's family doctor.

"Dr. Anderson was our family doctor for us as kids, I was 9 or 10 years old, Dr. Anderson, Dr. Graves was the other family doctor," Harbaugh said Wednesday during a Zoom call with reporters, according to the Detroit Free Press.

"Those two doctors. And then also when I played here at Michigan, Dr. Anderson was the team doctor. Took a physical for every youth sport that I played and also when I was here in college for football, yearly physical. "Never saw anything inappropriate, nor did I ever hear anything that was inappropriate about Dr. Anderson. Never experienced anything inappropriate, never heard any time where there was anything inappropriate by Dr. Anderson."

Of course Jim knew. They all knew. They all knew and did nothing. #JimKnew
Hey maybe Jimmy had his first sleepover at Dr Anderson's house.:eek:
Former NFL RB comes forward. Same class as Desmond Howard.

He came to Ann Arbor to become a Michigan Man. The idea of being one brings him to tears.

“I just thought that this is what was par for the course for an exam at Michigan to play on their football team,” said Vaughn. “That’s how it was stated to me. It was a sense of relief that the first step in the journey of becoming a Michigan Man was over.”
Former NFL RB comes forward. Same class as Desmond Howard.

He came to Ann Arbor to become a Michigan Man. The idea of being one brings him to tears.

“I just thought that this is what was par for the course for an exam at Michigan to play on their football team,” said Vaughn. “That’s how it was stated to me. It was a sense of relief that the first step in the journey of becoming a Michigan Man was over.”

And still, very few give a shit. michigan men and women and piles of Wal-Mart wolverines will continue to cheer on the piss and blue, oblivious to or uncaring about handerson, either way unsympathetic to the victims.
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So the cost of being a michigan man is a three-knuckle salute huh? And these people try to look down at us? The conference and media favor them over us?

For what? They're disgusting. I believe every word that comes out.
bo schembechler’s legacy is no longer the grossly overrated coach who occasionally won the big two and routinely got his ass handed to him in the Rose Bowl. Now it’s cemented as much worse.

Same article quotes Bo's son Glenn as saying that if Bo knew about it, he would have fired Anderson. He denies Bo ever being told.

Given others may indicate they told Bo (and they may already have, can't recall), denying he knew may prove futile. Bo passing the info on to Canham perhaps indicates he followed the approved protocol. Canham doing nothing with the info, if true, is the issue, imo.

Similar, yet significant differences, between the weaselrine case and ours. JVP acted, PSU's AD acted. One incident reported internally at PSU after a prior one being reported to police, vs. multiple internal reports at UM (and MSU and tOSU).

It is getting tougher and tougher to make the argument that PSU officials did anything wrong. We know the 'conspiracy to hide' allegation was without merit anyway.

Give us back our $60mm fine with interest. Make UM and MSU and tOSU pay their share.... which should be >$120mm each for the relative lack of action and vetted victims.
The NCAA and Big Ten will be holding a joint press conference shortly.

OK, they won't. They're hoping it'll all go away.
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