Michigan - Notre Dame Game Thread

O'Neill is from the South Side of Chicago, went to a Catholic HS and now sits on the Board of said school. I'm thinking he's more of a Domer lean.
Rubber pellets sticking to jerseys? That's not real football. Besides, isn't there a theory about the rubber pellets causing cancer?? :(
I feel dirty rooting for the skunk bears!:eek:

I am rationalizing it under the notion that to my knowledge although Harbaugh is a booger eating Neanderthal, he has, of yet, never killed a kid. If the rocket hits the stadium I am hoping it hits Kelly and his decapitated head ends up passing through John O’Neil’s body. We all win.
I am rationalizing it under the notion that to my knowledge although Harbaugh is a booger eating Neanderthal, he has, of yet, never killed a kid. If the rocket hits the stadium I am hoping it hits Kelly and his decapitated head ends up passing through John O’Neil’s body. We all win.

You may have issues. Just sayin. o_O
At halftime Don Brown is going to make it stop raining!:eek:

why would he want to do that? everything is going their way so far.

seriously, Michigan is looking good so far. They might not attempt another pass tonight.
why would he want to do that? everything is going their way so far.

seriously, Michigan is looking good so far. They might not attempt another pass tonight.
They don't need to pass. The power of Michigan's running game is obvious and showing up. There goes Patterson. BOOM !
If Michigan wins this game tonight does that automatically make them #1 in the preseason polls in 2020??
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they showed Harbaugh after that last touchdown, it looked like he had a thought going through his head.....Maybe the ACC is where its at
2020? Hell they might leapfrog PSU to the 5th spot next week.

Notre Dame might move up in the polls. Don’t forget this juggernaut Michigan team was unreal against PSU last week in the second half of their win (wait...never mind). Even the New England patriots would struggle against the team we saw in quarters 3 and 4 in happy valley.


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