Mike Evans

boooooooooooo!!!!!! I think he loves it btw. good theater. he is a pornstache sporting bad guy.
Re: The team point was deducted for throwing up a stalling sign after the match

Originally posted by Neo_Hawk:
Seriously, the "it was my belief" part of the post is BS? Glad to you are an expert in my opinion. He was up in the opponents face and he did give him the stall sign, but it was MY BELIEF his words were directed at the official. I am glad that you feel the need to call me on a post that wasn't true. Hey, fair warning to all posters, if your opinion does not agree with NoVa Lion, then your opinion is BS and is just not true. I would like to state, however, if you a had personal conversation with Evans on this subject or in some way were actually inside his mind at the time he committed this penalty, they I humbly apologize and agree that you opinion is fact.
Nice spin but after Evans hand is raised he walks toward the MD wrestler with the ref BEHIND Evans and raises his fist and jaws at the MD wrestler. You can delude yourself all you want that Evans was not taunting the kid he just hammered if it makes you feel better and I humbly apologize for criticizing anything you say.
Re: The team point was deducted for throwing up a stalling sign after the match

Not that it actually means anything, but I think it was obvious he was taunting his opponent, Evans turned and gave the stalling right in his face, (which I stated), that's a pretty obvious sign he was taunting him and,i kinda think that went without saying. I was referring to my thoughts on a deeper message that I thought he was sending, He didn't get hit with the penalty until he turned and kept jawing. Are you purposely offensive or just not self aware? I mean "BS", "Nice spin", "I'm always going to call someone out", while I appreciate you taking a stand, I am confused about what you stand for; intolerance of others opinions, the unwillingness to read and understand posts that you want to respond to or the desire to get to 5000 posts, all of which ending in a faux witty Bear Bryant quote.
Once again, cheap shots don't equate to "hard nosed tactics". Sorry, nice try though.

As for criticizing Evans on your board, I don't think objectivity on Hawkeye wrestlers is ubiquitous over there. If Hitler wrestled at 157 for the Hawkeyes, posters on HR would be spouting off about his singular sense of purpose, his incredible passion and his leadership abilities.

Lastly, I don't expect you to pay lip service to objectivity. YOU made a claim about being "pretty honest about your guys". While that may be true in most cases, it's quite clear it's false in Evans' case.

Good luck the rest of the season!

That's where this needed to go?

Not a prude but it's easier to call a guy an @sshole then go there.
Speaking of cheap shots: Hitler? Really?

I like the way it was posted over on BSD (full disclosure: by my alter-ego): if you put together an All-Time All-Star lineup, HR would expect 2014 Iowa to win 60-0. Some might concede a loss to Gable, because Gable! -- and then rip Dziewa for not being Gable-worthy.
Wrong Stache bro.

Godwin's Law:
A term that originated on Usenet, Godwin's Law states that as an online argument grows longer and more heated, it becomes increasingly likely that somebody will bring up Adolf Hitler or the Nazis. When such an event occurs, the person guilty of invoking Godwin's Law has effectively forfieted the argument.
So you weren't comparing Iowa's fan base to little Nazis? Add a winky thing or something when you are "joking." It's funny because it's like you have never been to the Iowa board where no wrestler is safe from criticism. Your ignorance is showing.

This should shut you up
Godwin's Law similar to Chickenman's Law

My law applies to college coaching searches. When someone mentions Jon Gruden as a legitimate candidate for their school, said person has invoked Chickenman's Law and has forfeited the argument.
Interesting to note that the only active topic more popular on this board (by page views) is Spencer Lee and neither of them wrestle for PSU. Oh, and Mike Evans is about 10x more popular than most topics on here.
..."oh, and Mike Evans is 10x more popular"..???

...jes goes to show how some people can misinterpret the facts...

...the subject of Mike Evans' childish behavior has attracted a ton of comments, but that is a long shot from claiming that he, himself, is 10x more popular...

...oh, well...
Originally posted by HAWKMANN:
Interesting to note that the only active topic more popular on this board (by page views) is Spencer Lee and neither of them wrestle for PSU. Oh, and Mike Evans is about 10x more popular than most topics on here.
Don't worry, by this time next week Evans will be lapped about 20x over by Marsteller.
If booing is to occur, it should be done when the offensive act is occurring, not during an introduction. I myself am not a fan of booing in general, but at times it is warranted to show fans displeasure at athletes antics. There are many Iowa fans who do not like Evans extracurriculars, in fact I would say the majority say he needs to channel his anger into aggressive wrestling. (Brands included, he has made several comments on Mikes antics). I doubt however that the booing bothers Mr. Evans at all.
As far as Evans not taking cheap shots at stronger wrestlers like Brown, he has, but Brown took it like a champ and just smiled. I think that is the best answer for chippy antics and it diffuses the situation.

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