How would he propose doing that?Despite telling myself not to, I made the mistake of watching the end of Outside the Lines on ESPN today.
Apparently, JayPa was on first, but this Wise guy was the current guest.
Paraphrasing, he said that if he could tell Jay something, it would be that Joe should have done more, by getting the name of the victim that was in the shower with Sandusky in '02. To do what, I have no idea.
He also made it sound as if the the 1970's accusations were fact.
1. Ask Sandusky and he says "what kid? there was no kid."
2. Ask TSM to provide every kid that generally fits McQueary's description of what he saw to appear in a lineup. Screw privacy and all that stuff.
3. Joe could put ads in the CDT and the local Merchandisers asking if anyone knows who the kid was who was in the shower with Jerry.
4. Have Joe go to every school in Centre and Clinton Counties, have an assembly, hand Joe the mike, and let him ask if the kid who Jerry allegedly raped is in the audience. I'm sure the kid would be totally elated that he'd got picked out from among all his peers.