no its not, re read that , it is 16 if the two aren't more than 4 years apart, or if the other person is not a control person. We don't know the age of the recruit, if say he were a sophomore on an official visit, the kid could be 15, if he is 17 and she 22 he cant give consent. But how do we know it there isn't an investigation. I am not trying to blame a victim, I am just trying to figure out who the victim actually is.
Get a high price enough lawyer and the female Minny student could be considered a control person, as someone representing Minny athletic interests.
Priceless, beyond absurd at this point.... So let me see if I have this straight, the Minnesota Scholarship Football Players who "the recruit" was assigned to stay with are no longer responsible for "the recruit" being at a party in the apartment building where the implicated Football Players lived and where alcohol (and like much worse) was being consumed at 2:30 am in the morning??? It's RS's fault that "the recruit" was at the party despite RS stating unequivocally that she had no idea who these men were prior to meeting them at the party in her apartment building sometime around 2:30 am - again, had NEVER MET THEM prior to meeting them AT THE PARTY! But this makes perfect sense to you that anybody could claim she was the "control person" responsible for "the recruit" INAPPROPRIATELY being at the party in the first place despite the fact that she had no idea who he even frigging was or how he got there (let alone how old he was)!!! Oh yea, the fact that the Scholarship Football Players (and "the recruit" who they were RESPONSIBLE for hosting - including being responsible for the recruit even being at the party in the first place) acted in an intentionally duplicitous manner from the moment they met the women at the party in an effort to isolate her in A2's apartment (located in the same building on the 5th Floor) has no bearing, importance or implication of any kind on any of this??? Seriously? WTF? doesn't even begin to cover this illogical back-fitted diarrhea of the imagination!