So, if I understand MM:
...MM went to the Lasch Building Friday night (regardless of others thinking here, there's nothing unusual here, IMO)
...he enters and here's "slapping sounds"
...he notices (mirror or directly or "eyes behind his head") Sandusky with a child in the shower;
...he slams his locker;
...Sandusky and MM make eye contact;
Now, MM is so alarmed he actually calls his dad FROM the Lasch building moments ( a few minutes, in fact) later. Why would he do that if it was ONLY horseplay?
Yet, daddy-o and Dr Dranov are adamant that IN NO WAY did MM convey that there was anything sexual going on when MM spoke to them hours later that Friday evening.
So, MM calls daddy-o minutes after seeing Sandusky with a child in a shower. Daddy-o's advice over the phone? Come home.
Once home, MM speaks to daddy-o and Dr Dranov.
Yet, somehow, according to daddy-o and Dr Dranov, MM doesn't share anything whatsoever of a (ahem) sexual nature.
But, MM does share this info the next day with Joe and later with TC and GS).
Let me tell you, MM doesn't call daddy-o on a Friday evening for "horseplay". MM doesn't spend the rest of his Friday evening (late evening, btw) speaking with daddy-o and Dr Dranov over "horseplay".
So, IMO, daddy-o and Dr Dranov were informed it was "sexual in nature" Friday night and convinced MM to speak to Joe in the morning. Daddy-o and Dr Dranov are not telling the truth, IMO.
HOW PRAY TELL the collective three could come up with a plan to tell Joe in the morning is beyond me. Worse case, you call Joe THAT evening. If you want JOE to be aware, call him THAT evening.
I don't know Joe. But, it appears that calling him IMMEDIATELY is what he always EXPECTED you to do. I could be wrong, though.
This scandal never happens if this little meeting (Friday night) that produced the stupidest fvcking course of action known to man, btw, never takes place . What their motivations were to sleep on this and tell Joe in the morning, I will never know.
Joe, too, doesn't get a "free" pass. He should've alerted TC that very Saturday when he was informed. At present, that's the only fault I find in Joe (unless more evidence comes forward).
There are laws with a big letter "L" and laws with a little letter "l". MM, daddy-o and Dr Dranov should have known better that Friday evening.
...MM went to the Lasch Building Friday night (regardless of others thinking here, there's nothing unusual here, IMO)
...he enters and here's "slapping sounds"
...he notices (mirror or directly or "eyes behind his head") Sandusky with a child in the shower;
...he slams his locker;
...Sandusky and MM make eye contact;
Now, MM is so alarmed he actually calls his dad FROM the Lasch building moments ( a few minutes, in fact) later. Why would he do that if it was ONLY horseplay?
Yet, daddy-o and Dr Dranov are adamant that IN NO WAY did MM convey that there was anything sexual going on when MM spoke to them hours later that Friday evening.

So, MM calls daddy-o minutes after seeing Sandusky with a child in a shower. Daddy-o's advice over the phone? Come home.
Once home, MM speaks to daddy-o and Dr Dranov.
Yet, somehow, according to daddy-o and Dr Dranov, MM doesn't share anything whatsoever of a (ahem) sexual nature.
But, MM does share this info the next day with Joe and later with TC and GS).

Let me tell you, MM doesn't call daddy-o on a Friday evening for "horseplay". MM doesn't spend the rest of his Friday evening (late evening, btw) speaking with daddy-o and Dr Dranov over "horseplay".
So, IMO, daddy-o and Dr Dranov were informed it was "sexual in nature" Friday night and convinced MM to speak to Joe in the morning. Daddy-o and Dr Dranov are not telling the truth, IMO.
HOW PRAY TELL the collective three could come up with a plan to tell Joe in the morning is beyond me. Worse case, you call Joe THAT evening. If you want JOE to be aware, call him THAT evening.
I don't know Joe. But, it appears that calling him IMMEDIATELY is what he always EXPECTED you to do. I could be wrong, though.
This scandal never happens if this little meeting (Friday night) that produced the stupidest fvcking course of action known to man, btw, never takes place . What their motivations were to sleep on this and tell Joe in the morning, I will never know.
Joe, too, doesn't get a "free" pass. He should've alerted TC that very Saturday when he was informed. At present, that's the only fault I find in Joe (unless more evidence comes forward).
There are laws with a big letter "L" and laws with a little letter "l". MM, daddy-o and Dr Dranov should have known better that Friday evening.