"Months late, state's annual child abuse report is 'full of flaws,' lawyer says"....

It is mind-boggling.

It just fuels suspicion that stuff like the Sandusky case comes out once in a while in an effort to polish a turd.
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Did you catch this part:

"But only days after the release, as first reported by ABC27, Jason Kutulakis, a Carlisle attorney and who had been a member of thePennsylvania Task Force on Child Protection, stumbled upon a change in the report. The statistic for the number of reported cases handled by a regional agency that became unfounded — which automatically occurs after 60 days if agencies do not determine whether the case qualified as child abuse or request an extension — dropped from 66 to 2."

This is the precise "policy" and statistic that Ray Blehar has referred to over and over in regards to Schulltz's claimed reporting of 2001 Incident - just bevaus DPW/CYS have no files on the report or ever opening an investigation means absolutely nothing due to DPW/CYS's absurd policy of considering a report as "unfounded" and destroying all records regarding report if the report is ignored for more than 60 days by CYS/DPW and nothing is done in that 60 days relative to the initial report???? Unfreaking-real how absurd this policy is especially when you have soulless demagogue mouthpieces of these bureaucratic government hacks running around labelling Schultz a "liar" and he needs to show documented proof that he made a report when no such requirement exists!! Pennsylvania's Government is a fargging disgrace in regards to corruption, abuse of governmental authority (e.g., "moral hazard") and smiling upon tyranny akin to a despotic dictatorship. Just a freaking moral disgrace especially given the pedantic lectures on morality the former despot (e.g., Corbutt) used to regularly dispense.
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excuse me..... where's the culture problem; in the back rooms of executive committees, government offices, and clandestine business deals; bet if we could be a fly on shit we'd hear it all, must be nice to have priviledge