No Trend In Arctic Sea Ice Extent For Ten Years
March 14, 2017
Since the 2007 peak ten years ago this week,
Arctic sea ice extent has trended upwards slightly.

A Google search for “Arctic ice disappearing” turns up 453,000 fake news results.

Leading government experts predicted the ice would disappear in 2008.

Expert: Arctic polar cap may disappear this summer_English_Xinhua
Other more conservative experts predicted that the ice wouldn’t be gone until 2014.

Maslowki 2010
At his Nobel Prize acceptance speech, Al Gore predicted ice-free in 2014.
Global warming is the biggest scam in science history. Congress needs to expose and completely defund this idiocy.
March 14, 2017
Since the 2007 peak ten years ago this week,
Arctic sea ice extent has trended upwards slightly.

A Google search for “Arctic ice disappearing” turns up 453,000 fake news results.

Leading government experts predicted the ice would disappear in 2008.

Expert: Arctic polar cap may disappear this summer_English_Xinhua
Other more conservative experts predicted that the ice wouldn’t be gone until 2014.

Maslowki 2010
At his Nobel Prize acceptance speech, Al Gore predicted ice-free in 2014.
Global warming is the biggest scam in science history. Congress needs to expose and completely defund this idiocy.