From the review...
Still no global warming at all for 18 years 8 months

There’s life in the old Pause
Still no global warming at all for 18 years 8 month
To the growing embarrassment of the world-government wannabes who are preparing to meet in Paris next month to inflict upon the world a Solomon Binding treaty that will, in all but name, create an all-powerful global tyranny-by-clerk for the first time, the central pretext for the entire venture – global warming – continues to be conspicuous by its prolonged absence.
One-third of Man’s entire influence on climate since the Industrial Revolution has occurred since February 1997.
Yet for 224 months since then there has been no global warming at all (Fig. 1).
With this month’s RSS temperature record, the Pause equals last month’s record at 18 years 8 months.

Figure 1. The least-squares linear-regression trend on the RSS satellite monthly global mean surface temperature anomaly dataset shows no global warming for 18 years 8 months since February 1997, though one-third of all anthropogenic forcings have occurred during the period of the Pause.
We are now entering the northern-hemisphere autumn. That is traditionally the time when an el Niño begins to make itself felt. It is becoming ever more likely that the temperature increase that usually accompanies an el Niño will begin to shorten the Pause somewhat,
though a subsequent La Niña would be likely to bring about a resumption and perhaps even a lengthening of the Pause.
Beware: the year or two after an el Niño usually – but not always – brings an offsetting la Niña, cooling first the ocean surface and then the air temperature and restoring global temperature to normal.
For amusement, watch the recent Senate Judiciary Committee hearing at which Senator Cruz cross-examined the hapless head of the Sierra Club, who had testified that global warming was dangerous but was not aware that there had not been any for more than 18 years, a point that Senator Cruz put to him several times. The reply, repeated half a dozen times as a zombie-like mantra, was that 97% of scientists thought the world was “cooking up, heating, and warming”. The Pause is beginning to claim its first victims.
The hiatus period of 18 years 8 months is the farthest back one can go in the RSS satellite temperature record and still show a sub-zero trend. The start date is not cherry-picked: it is calculated. And the graph does not mean there is no such thing as global warming. Going back further shows a small warming rate. And yes, the start-date for the Pause has been inching forward, though rather more slowly than the end-date, which is why the Pause continues on average to lengthen. And, like it or not, so long a stasis in global temperature is simply inconsistent, not only with the extremist predictions of the computer models, but also with the shrieking panic whipped up by the rent-seekers rubbing their hands with glee in Paris.
The UAH dataset shows a Pause almost as long as the RSS dataset. However, the much-altered surface tamperature datasets show a small warming rate (Fig. 1b).
Figure 1b. The least-squares linear-regression trend on the mean of the GISS, HadCRUT4 and NCDC terrestrial monthly global mean surface temperature anomaly datasets shows global warming at a rate equivalent to a little over 1 C° per century during the period of the Pause from January 1997 to July 2015.
Beware: the year or two after an el Niño usually – but not always – brings an offsetting la Niña, cooling first the ocean surface and then the air temperature and restoring global temperature to normal.

There’s life in the old Pause
Still no global warming at all for 18 years 8 month
To the growing embarrassment of the world-government wannabes who are preparing to meet in Paris next month to inflict upon the world a Solomon Binding treaty that will, in all but name, create an all-powerful global tyranny-by-clerk for the first time, the central pretext for the entire venture – global warming – continues to be conspicuous by its prolonged absence.
One-third of Man’s entire influence on climate since the Industrial Revolution has occurred since February 1997.
Yet for 224 months since then there has been no global warming at all (Fig. 1).
With this month’s RSS temperature record, the Pause equals last month’s record at 18 years 8 months.

Figure 1. The least-squares linear-regression trend on the RSS satellite monthly global mean surface temperature anomaly dataset shows no global warming for 18 years 8 months since February 1997, though one-third of all anthropogenic forcings have occurred during the period of the Pause.
We are now entering the northern-hemisphere autumn. That is traditionally the time when an el Niño begins to make itself felt. It is becoming ever more likely that the temperature increase that usually accompanies an el Niño will begin to shorten the Pause somewhat,
though a subsequent La Niña would be likely to bring about a resumption and perhaps even a lengthening of the Pause.
Beware: the year or two after an el Niño usually – but not always – brings an offsetting la Niña, cooling first the ocean surface and then the air temperature and restoring global temperature to normal.
For amusement, watch the recent Senate Judiciary Committee hearing at which Senator Cruz cross-examined the hapless head of the Sierra Club, who had testified that global warming was dangerous but was not aware that there had not been any for more than 18 years, a point that Senator Cruz put to him several times. The reply, repeated half a dozen times as a zombie-like mantra, was that 97% of scientists thought the world was “cooking up, heating, and warming”. The Pause is beginning to claim its first victims.
The hiatus period of 18 years 8 months is the farthest back one can go in the RSS satellite temperature record and still show a sub-zero trend. The start date is not cherry-picked: it is calculated. And the graph does not mean there is no such thing as global warming. Going back further shows a small warming rate. And yes, the start-date for the Pause has been inching forward, though rather more slowly than the end-date, which is why the Pause continues on average to lengthen. And, like it or not, so long a stasis in global temperature is simply inconsistent, not only with the extremist predictions of the computer models, but also with the shrieking panic whipped up by the rent-seekers rubbing their hands with glee in Paris.
The UAH dataset shows a Pause almost as long as the RSS dataset. However, the much-altered surface tamperature datasets show a small warming rate (Fig. 1b).
Figure 1b. The least-squares linear-regression trend on the mean of the GISS, HadCRUT4 and NCDC terrestrial monthly global mean surface temperature anomaly datasets shows global warming at a rate equivalent to a little over 1 C° per century during the period of the Pause from January 1997 to July 2015.
Bearing in mind that one-third of the 2.4 W m–2 radiative forcing from all manmade sources since 1750 has occurred during the period of the Pause, a warming rate equivalent to little more than 1 C°/century is not exactly alarming.
We are now entering the northern-hemisphere autumn. That is traditionally the time when an el Niño begins to make itself felt. It is becoming ever more likely that the temperature increase that usually accompanies an el Niño will begin to shorten the Pause somewhat, though a subsequent La Niña would be likely to bring about a resumption and perhaps even a lengthening of the Pause.
Beware: the year or two after an el Niño usually – but not always – brings an offsetting la Niña, cooling first the ocean surface and then the air temperature and restoring global temperature to normal.
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