More dirt on ESPiN- pit of sexism

Wait a minute????? Wasn't it not too long ago ESPN was telling us all what to think on a multitude of social issues and being the conscience of America? And all the while covering up a treasure trove of sexism right under its very nose? Say it ain't so.
Fox calling the Kettle Sexual Harassers .... Go Figure. Just like MSU shitheads calling PSU enablers. What's next Hollywood directors calling ESPN sexual predators? The White House? The Congress? I guess the cat is out of the universal bag, no pun intended.
Wow, shocking...a locker room culture at an all sports network.

This may explain why pretty much all of their on air female talent is really bad...they're keeping the ones who can put up with the crap as opposed to the ones with any talent. Something has to explain Heather Dinich and Jamel Hill.