Ivanka's claim is a reasonable claim because it's an apples-to-oranges comparison.
Let us begin with everything Ivanka has sent has an audit trail, whereas the disposition of Pillory's official emails remains controversial due to her use of bleach bit on her server. Not to mention the FBI found exceptions to her claims she didn't discuss classified info in personal emails. But the most damning part is Pillory is given a pass by Comey under the auspices of "no reasonable prosecutor" (talk about your metaphors), as well as his qualifying Pillory's behavior as 'the normal rules don't apply to her'...
It's clear though, that she violated department policies. Comey said, "To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those persons are subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we're deciding now."
Why is that, Jim?? You laid the criteria for the safe handling of classified information but you say the normal rules don't apply to her! No wonder your @ss got canned, you partisan hack.
Fellas, we dodged a bullet by stopping the coronation of Pillory Rodham Clinton, for when you permit two sets of rules you invite tyranny. But as it stands, the Constitutional Republic prevails.
How would I know. I handled classified info during my time at DOD. I would be sending this message from Ft. Leavenworth prison if I did what Pillory did.
I thank you and have a blessed day!
Ivanka's claim is a reasonable claim because it's an apples-to-oranges comparison.
Let us begin with everything Ivanka has sent has an audit trail, whereas the disposition of Pillory's official emails remains controversial due to her use of bleach bit on her server. Not to mention the FBI found exceptions to her claims she didn't discuss classified info in personal emails. But the most damning part is Pillory is given a pass by Comey under the auspices of "no reasonable prosecutor" (talk about your metaphors), as well as his qualifying Pillory's behavior as 'the normal rules don't apply to her'...
It's clear though, that she violated department policies. Comey said, "To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those persons are subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we're deciding now."
Why is that, Jim?? You laid the criteria for the safe handling of classified information but you say the normal rules don't apply to her! No wonder your @ss got canned, you partisan hack.
Fellas, we dodged a bullet by stopping the coronation of Pillory Rodham Clinton, for when you permit two sets of rules you invite tyranny. But as it stands, the Constitutional Republic prevails.
How would I know. I handled classified info during my time at DOD. I would be sending this message from Ft. Leavenworth prison if I did what Pillory did.
I thank you and have a blessed day!