More From Brands On Recruiting

Look so u have the inside information on this it was all planned by Brands and the wrestlers. Funny how you seem to know so much how this all took place, Yes he redshirt them for heavens sake he has so far in his coaching has never had a true freshman wrestle.

He also told VT if and when if the Iowa job ever became available he would interview for it and would go not the first coach to say and do that...

When Lou Holtz came to Minnesota to try and get the football program good again he told them If N.Dame calls he is gonna be gone. Well they did and away he went...Funny when any of us give facts you still have to tell us we don't know shyt.

Cannot believe some of you fans, have spent 3 days at nationals with Goldbanger and his buddies and he got along just fine. Sure we had some disagreements but never turned into stuff like it does on a message board. I have tried to make some good things here but just got tired of the bashing of Brands all the time...I know he is not perfect but he has mellowed a lot, Terry not so much. Enjoy your run try to understand why it comes to be the one everyone hates winning does that Hawks and fans have gone though it..Good luck stay healthy and you can beat Ohio State..
Minnhawkeye--I don't know how much you read this board, but every board has their hotheads and their reasonable posters. Some just like to vent and scrap. Some like serious, respectful discussion. Many on this board (myself included) have said that we think Brands is a great coach and is great for wrestling, and really enjoy listening to his interviews.