... and the FBI may be actively ignoring it.
Berchem is partner at Akin Gump. She says she has been trying to contact the F.B.I. to share her information with them, but has been unsuccessful. It’s worth noting that if an Akin Gump partner can’t get the F.B.I.’s attention, that means the F.B.I. doesn’t want to dig deeply into Ramirez’s claims. Biglaw partners know somebody who knows somebody who has worked for the USAO. You can get in contact with somebody at the F.B.I. unless they are actively ignoring you.
Without seeing if Yarasavage saved any contacts she may have had with Kavanaugh or Kavanaugh’s team, it’s too much to say that Brett Kavanaugh engaged in witness tampering. I mean, he might have! But we can’t know on these facts.
What we do know is that it’s grossly inappropriate for a sitting federal judge and nominee for the Supreme Court to be personally contacting people and trying to get them to go on the record to discredit allegations. We do know that if he knew about Ramirez’s allegations before they were published in the New Yorker, that’s another lie he told under oath to the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Berchem is partner at Akin Gump. She says she has been trying to contact the F.B.I. to share her information with them, but has been unsuccessful. It’s worth noting that if an Akin Gump partner can’t get the F.B.I.’s attention, that means the F.B.I. doesn’t want to dig deeply into Ramirez’s claims. Biglaw partners know somebody who knows somebody who has worked for the USAO. You can get in contact with somebody at the F.B.I. unless they are actively ignoring you.
Without seeing if Yarasavage saved any contacts she may have had with Kavanaugh or Kavanaugh’s team, it’s too much to say that Brett Kavanaugh engaged in witness tampering. I mean, he might have! But we can’t know on these facts.
What we do know is that it’s grossly inappropriate for a sitting federal judge and nominee for the Supreme Court to be personally contacting people and trying to get them to go on the record to discredit allegations. We do know that if he knew about Ramirez’s allegations before they were published in the New Yorker, that’s another lie he told under oath to the Senate Judiciary Committee.