More Wolverine fun

Michigan will move up to No. 7:

Micihgan 14 wins , PSU 9 wins all time
Harbaugh 3 wins , Franklin 2 wins

If PSU played Michigan in 2019 in AA and played Alabama in the bowl game PSU is a 9 win team.
If, if, if....and if Michigan would have played Memphis they would have lost....we’ve seen Don Brown defenses before, they tend to fold up like a lawn chair.....this is fun, let’s keep playing.
Interesting observation. When I was in oncology training, the chair of radiology at Hopkins told me his best residents were PSU undergrads (and he didn’t know where I went at the time).
Question, are there still a lot of openings in that field?
Fired an incompetent one earlier this year. Another on notice. Seriously considering not hiring anymore MI grads, they do not pan out well at all on careers paths

Had a UM grad(MBA) who "volunteered" to work at the mine . He was somewhat indignant after one year that he was not promoted to General Manager. True story
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More Michigan arrogance— I asked a Michigan grad in my office what colleges his daughter in high school was interested in. He said Columbia, Carnegie - Mellon and Michigan. But he cautioned her that those schools are tough to get into, and she needed to apply to a “safe” school like Penn State. He was totally serious. He also sent an email to the PSU alums in our office before the Michigan game that we should have a large bucket next to us to collect our tears as we lose big to Mich. we were merciless with this guy after the game, and one of our grads put a mop bucket on his office chair with a “ cry us a river” note. Total arrogant Michigan guy.
You can spell "douche nozzle" without "Michigan", but if there were any justice in the world, you couldn't.
Hey @jimjim47: that's the RECRUITING rankings, skippy. You know, the ones where you finish at the top every year, because it is based on hype, not performance?

3d in the East. Again! Lol!!
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Michigan fans are a bunch of arrogant big-mouth losers. It was awesome when Penn State beat michigan this year.
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Had a UM grad(MBA) who "volunteered" to work at the mine . He was somewhat indignant after one year that he was not promoted to General Manager. True story

I don’t know about radiology, but there have been predictions for shortages in medical oncology for years and then are coming true. Bad mix of people living older/having increased incidence of cancer but less doctors to take care of them!
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THIS is what makes a michigan man... a MICHIGAN man! To kniow you will get the calls 90% of the time. To dream big dreams, to surround one's self with incredible talent and coaching... to sleep with your coach in foreign lands.... all of this and soooo much more... and then, when all seems ready to come together in rainbows and confetti and yet another in a lonnnnnng line of MNC's!!!!!.....

a horrific loss on national tv to your worst enemy. Over and over and over and over... yet again. And them to get trampled in the bowl game. Ad nauseum.

Seriously.. who wouldn't sign on for that? When i was 18 i can't imagine anything cooler than that!

I wondered who'd be the one to get me to 2,000 likes lol. Could not have scripted it any better... thank you, Option Bob. 25-some (?) years later, still me fave poster!
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”I wondered who'd be the one to get me to 2,000 likes lol. Could not have scripted it any better... thank you, Option Bob. 25-some (?) years later, still me fave poster!“

Good karma, N&B. Now You’re on your way to 3K.
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