most underrated scene from an underrated show


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2014
So we have the thread going of underrated shows...what's a favorite scene? here is mine..I was a huge Taxi fan and I am sure many have seen the episode with Rev Jim taking his drivers test...hilarious. But my fav underrated scene from that show was when Nardo had to invite Jim to a formal party...he wore a tux. She was petrified that he was gonna embarass her. At one point Jim gets to a piano and begins tickling the keys. Elaine is scared out of her wits. After a minute Jim starts playing the piano like the greatest pianist ever....after about 25 seconds he stops, pauses, and says..."I musta had lessons!" I still laff to myself about that scene.
I watched comedians in cars the other night with super Dave. He told a joke

A kid wonders into his parents bedroom late at night to see his dad in a bunny suit and ears making love to his mom wearing a 30s style gangster outfit. Dad stops, tells the kid to go to his room and he'll be in to talk with him in twenty minutes. Twenty minutes later Dad walks into his son's room and his son is making love to the Grand mother. Dad yells what the hell is going on? ! The son looks up and says 'yeah, it's not so cool when it's your mother, is it?'
It's hard to find 'underrated scenes' - how about just 'great scenes'?

One of my all time favorite shows is AMC's Halt and Catch Fire. It's about the personal computer boom in the 80's. Lee Pace plays Joe MacMillan; sort of a Steve Jobs/visionary virtuoso wannabe who takes his revolutionary plan to make a mobile, cheap personal computer to industry bit player Cardiff Electric. Season 1 is a bit rocky, but it gets outstanding from there - just give it time (only 4 seasons).

Anyway, most of the first season is Joe (who is not an engineer at all) willing his designers and engineers to produce his vision of the lightest, most easily transported personal computer to date. In the season one finale, he unveils the machine at the big PC Expo in Vegas. Feeling triumphant, he wanders down the hall to get some ice and notices a door open to another room. He goes in, and what he sees makes him realize this whole time, he's been playing checkers while others have been playing chess...this is the final scene of the first season.

Greatest scene in recent years...Better Call Saul, when Mike Ehrmantraut tells his daughter-in-law the true story of what happened to his son. Jonathan Banks was beyond belief in that scene.
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So we have the thread going of underrated shows...what's a favorite scene? here is mine..I was a huge Taxi fan and I am sure many have seen the episode with Rev Jim taking his drivers test...hilarious. But my fav underrated scene from that show was when Nardo had to invite Jim to a formal party...he wore a tux. She was petrified that he was gonna embarass her. At one point Jim gets to a piano and begins tickling the keys. Elaine is scared out of her wits. After a minute Jim starts playing the piano like the greatest pianist ever....after about 25 seconds he stops, pauses, and says..."I musta had lessons!" I still laff to myself about that scene.

That is classic!!! Truly an underrated show. A few favorites scenes from Taxi...Rev Jim taking his drivers test (yellow light), Rev Jim and Alex showing the affects of drinking on your reactions and at Jim's apartment with his co-workers and his dead pet horse...CLASSICS!!!
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If you were a little kid in the mid/ate 70's, EMERGENCY has to be on your list. A few years ago it was one of the shows picked up on ME TV in Louisville and came on at 5:00...I put it on every night when I got home for months.
So we have the thread going of underrated shows...what's a favorite scene? here is mine..I was a huge Taxi fan and I am sure many have seen the episode with Rev Jim taking his drivers test...hilarious. But my fav underrated scene from that show was when Nardo had to invite Jim to a formal party...he wore a tux. She was petrified that he was gonna embarass her. At one point Jim gets to a piano and begins tickling the keys. Elaine is scared out of her wits. After a minute Jim starts playing the piano like the greatest pianist ever....after about 25 seconds he stops, pauses, and says..."I musta had lessons!" I still laff to myself about that scene.

Classic indeed plus all others in this thread. Another good one....

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Taxi was fantastic. Here's a great Danny Devito scene from the episode where Jim burned down Louie's apartment but Jim's dad is rich so he'll pay for it but Louie has to decide how much to ask for in reimbursement.

I used the scene with Louie and Jim when I taught a class in Entrepreneurship. The students had overly optimistic projections for the value of their (hypothetical) start up companies. I needed a tool to show them how foolish they were. It also helped to break up a 2 hour evening class. Whoever wrote that scene is a genius.
All in the Family. My father was a pretty stoic person and worked from the time he got up until the time he went to bed (factory job + a family farm). He never really recreated with us, when I was a kid, because we had many kids and a grandmother living with us in our small farm house.

One day, Dad walks in while we are watching All in the Family. It is an episode where Archie takes a second job driving cab. As it happens, Sammy Davis Jr rides in his cab and forgets his briefcase. So Archie calls SDJ and SDJ is about to come over to pick it up. Lots of hijinx in the conversation with Meathead, his daughter and his wife about racism and why SDJ deserves respect. SDJ arrives and it takes him ten seconds to realize Archie is racist. At one point, Archie serves SDJ a coffee and asks, via Freudian Slip, "Mr. Davis, would you like one or two lumps of sugar in your eye?" (for those younger, SDJ had a lazy eye). At the end, they all want a photo of SDJ and Archie together. They count 3, 2, 1 and just as they hit 1, SDJ plants a big kiss on racist and homophobic Archie. I never saw my Dad laugh so hard in my life.

The second scene is when Meathead finally graduates. He gets a job in CA. They fight the entire show, with Archie taking swipes at CA. The final scene, after a fight, meathead and Gloria drive away, Archie peers out of the front window with a tear streaming down his eye. The messaging was clear: Nothing more important than family so don't burn that bridge.

It may have not been an under rated show, but God this is funny.

I think it was a Taxi show, where some guy is known for being able to chug huge amount of beer in just a couple seconds.
At the end of the show, the crew invites him to their local watering hole for an evening of camaraderie and carousing.
He says "Sure, I'll go.
They all sit down at the table; the waitress bring a round of drinks.
He gets a huge glass of beer, chugs it in couple seconds and gets up and walks out.
I think it was a Taxi show, where some guy is known for being able to chug huge amount of beer in just a couple seconds.
At the end of the show, the crew invites him to their local watering hole for an evening of camaraderie and carousing.
He says "Sure, I'll go.
They all sit down at the table; the waitress bring a round of drinks.
He gets a huge glass of beer, chugs it in couple seconds and gets up and walks out.
Don’t know if you’d call it underrated, but the scene from The Odd Couple when Felix and Oscar are on Password is a classic.
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Well, I picked Northern Exposure as most underrated show.

To pick the most underrated scene is tough, but the episode with the accidental death (by a crashing satellite!) of Maggie's boyfriend Rick was classic.

If you were a little kid in the mid/ate 70's, EMERGENCY has to be on your list. A few years ago it was one of the shows picked up on ME TV in Louisville and came on at 5:00...I put it on every night when I got home for months.
I went to PSU mont alto in 82 with a girl who said that her father created the real "emergency" program that the show was based upon. They relocated to chambersburg . She was hot. Haven't thought about her In many years.
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So we have the thread going of underrated shows...what's a favorite scene? here is mine..I was a huge Taxi fan and I am sure many have seen the episode with Rev Jim taking his drivers test...hilarious. But my fav underrated scene from that show was when Nardo had to invite Jim to a formal party...he wore a tux. She was petrified that he was gonna embarass her. At one point Jim gets to a piano and begins tickling the keys. Elaine is scared out of her wits. After a minute Jim starts playing the piano like the greatest pianist ever....after about 25 seconds he stops, pauses, and says..."I musta had lessons!" I still laff to myself about that scene.
There’s a similar scene in Breaking Bad (which obviously isn’t an underrated show by any standard) where we see irredeemable junkie Skinny Pete just wailing away at a classical piece on the piano.

For some reason that scene sticks out to me as one of the most moving in the whole series — we get a glimpse at what could’ve been in this person’s life. I’m sure I’m reading way to o much into basically a throw-away scene, but this makes me think about Skinny Pete as a child — his parents surely had hopes and dreams for him, they paid for piano lessons for him and he had to have had some intellect to be able to conquer a piece like that. Just made me sad thinking about all the Skinny Pete’s out there whose lives got derailed by addiction.