Musician Death March goes on: RIP John Wetton


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2002
Fleetville, Pa.
Wetton dead at 67 from cancer

Sad! I liked the "supergroup" when they were formed.

I thought this was the biggest "cash grab" supergroup ever... I love what Howe, Wetton, Palmer did with YES, King Crimson, and ELP... but the songs that ASIA put together were just all pieces of 3:30 crap!
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I thought this was the biggest "cash grab" supergroup ever... I love what Howe, Wetton, Palmer did with YES, King Crimson, and ELP... but the songs that ASIA put together were just all pieces of 3:30 crap!

their longer and more heavy prog pieces (Time Again, Wildest Dreams, The HEat Goes On) are pretty good. even their later work (Parallel Lives, Gravitas) has some gems
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RIP John. This is eerily similar to Squire two years ago. Cancer just sneaks up and is unmerciful. And just like two years ago with Chris, Billy Sherwood was asked by John to fill in on the upcoming Asia tour. Deja vu for Billy.

I remember seeing Asia with Yes back in '09 at the Tower. Howe played double duty on that tour. Downes was only in Asia at the time and Wakeman's son Oliver was on keyboards for Yes. To this day Wetton still could belt out the tunes, great voice!

He was scheduled to be a part of this year's Cruise To The Edge. Here's a video from the cruise in 2014 featuring John and Chris playing with Steve Hackett.

RIP John. This is eerily similar to Squire two years ago. Cancer just sneaks up and is unmerciful. And just like two years ago with Chris, Billy Sherwood was asked by John to fill in on the upcoming Asia tour. Deja vu for Billy.

I remember seeing Asia with Yes back in '09 at the Tower. Howe played double duty on that tour. Downes was only in Asia at the time and Wakeman's son Oliver was on keyboards for Yes. To this day Wetton still could belt out the tunes, great voice!

He was scheduled to be a part of this year's Cruise To The Edge. Here's a video from the cruise in 2014 featuring John and Chris playing with Steve Hackett.

Loved Steve Hackett in Genesis.
RIP John. This is eerily similar to Squire two years ago. Cancer just sneaks up and is unmerciful. And just like two years ago with Chris, Billy Sherwood was asked by John to fill in on the upcoming Asia tour. Deja vu for Billy.

I remember seeing Asia with Yes back in '09 at the Tower. Howe played double duty on that tour. Downes was only in Asia at the time and Wakeman's son Oliver was on keyboards for Yes. To this day Wetton still could belt out the tunes, great voice!

He was scheduled to be a part of this year's Cruise To The Edge. Here's a video from the cruise in 2014 featuring John and Chris playing with Steve Hackett.

Relayer I can't post but watch John sing on Hacketts 2013 Royal Albert Hall show. He does guest vocals in Firth of Fifth. phenomenal.
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Relayer I can't post but watch John sing on Hacketts 2013 Royal Albert Hall show. He does guest vocals in Firth of Fifth. phenomenal.

Wetton was phenomenal on the Steve Hackett "Tokyo Tapes" tour

he covers some great Genesis tunes, but man this King Crimson is fargin incredible:

Guys, appreciate all the Hackett stuff. He is an excellent, excellent musician. To think Genesis replaced him with Mike Rutherford is really amazing. Nothing against Mike, but he's a dime a dozen.

MH55, simply wild! Loved it and thanks for sharing. Rumors are that Steve Howe's Yes will be playing the entire Relayer album this summer. I know Steve, Geoff and Billy will nail it!

BTW, Lee Pomeroy played bass for many of those Hackett shows and is awesome. He is currently playing bass for Anderson, Rabin, Wakeman.

Great video here. I hope Jon speaks for the group and mentions all the great musicians that have passed in the prog era in the past 2 years.

Lee nails the Fish here!

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Guys, appreciate all the Hackett stuff. He is an excellent, excellent musician. To think Genesis replaced him with Mike Rutherford is really amazing. Nothing against Mike, but he's a dime a dozen.

MH55, simply wild! Loved it and thanks for sharing. Rumors are that Steve Howe's Yes will be playing the entire Relayer album this summer. I know Steve, Geoff and Billy will nail it!

BTW, Lee Pomeroy played bass for many of those Hackett shows and is awesome. He is currently playing bass for Anderson, Rabin, Wakeman.

Great video here. I hope Jon speaks for the group and mentions all the great musicians that have passed in the prog era in the past 2 years.

Lee nails the Fish here!

Rutherford was an original member of Genesis. Hackett was brought in for the 3rd album, along with Phil Collins. Rutherford stuck mostly to bass and 12 string until Gabriel left, then he branched out with Hackett on the next 2 albums until Hackett left.

have you checked out any of Mike's solo work? "Smallcreep's Day" has some phenomenal guitar work:

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Rutherford was an original member of Genesis. Hackett was brought in for the 3rd album, along with Phil Collins. Rutherford stuck mostly to bass and 12 string until Gabriel left, then he branched out with Hackett on the next 2 albums until Hackett left.

have you checked out any of Mike's solo work? "Smallcreep's Day" has some phenomenal guitar work:

I had "Acting Very Strange" when it came out. Bought it at Arboria for 3.99 or whatever. It had some good songs on it, and I believe Stewart Copeland played drums in the studio. I liked Mike's solo work, it was sort of under the radar, but the music was solid.
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I vaguely recall Asia doing a live concert on MTV, but for whatever reason John bowed out of the show, and Greg Lake played bass and sang for that show and a few others. John had a bit of a different voice than Greg, but overall the sound was still good. Asia's first album was VASTLY better than their second album, which had the worst production(Mike Stone) I had EVER heard on a record, to this day. The entire thing sounded like it was recored inside a giant tin can. I still cannot believe Geffen gave that piece of crap the green light to send to retail and radio. The FIRST record(ALSO produced by Stone, amazingly) sounded FANTASTIC. Very odd.
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I had "Acting Very Strange" when it came out. Bought it at Arboria for 3.99 or whatever. It had some good songs on it, and I believe Stewart Copeland played drums in the studio. I liked Mike's solo work, it was sort of under the radar, but the music was solid.

Copeland did play on a few tracks (along with Darryl Stuemer). I love AVS, but Smallcreep's Day is the pinnacle of Mike's solo work
Genesis, when it started, was Anthony Phillips, Hackett, Rutherford, Tony Banks, Phil, and Gabriel, I believe. My favorite of the early Genesis era was "Nursery Crymes". My favorite post-Gabriel Genesis record was "Wind and Wuthering".
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Genesis, when it started, was Anthony Phillips, Hackett, Rutherford, Tony Banks, Phil, and Gabriel, I believe. My favorite of the early Genesis era was "Nursery Crymes". My favorite post-Gabriel Genesis record was "Wind and Wuthering".

my g/f bought me an autographed copy of W&W (signed by Hackett) for Christmas

I love her.

"Nursery Cryme" also has the distinction of being one of the first recordings of the "finger tapping" technique on guitar . . . who knows how Hackett learned it, but Eddie Van Halen copied it to perfection . . .
my g/f bought me an autographed copy of W&W (signed by Hackett) for Christmas

I love her.

"Nursery Cryme" also has the distinction of being one of the first recordings of the "finger tapping" technique on guitar . . . who knows how Hackett learned it, but Eddie Van Halen copied it to perfection . . .
Woah, autographed W and W by Hackett? That is AWESOME.
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Woah, autographed W and W by Hackett? That is AWESOME.

on vinyl. She bought me a record player for Christmas as well. and Nursery Cryme, Lamb Lies Down on Broadway, Duke, Selling England by the Pound, and Foxtrot
on vinyl. She bought me a record player for Christmas as well. and Nursery Cryme, Lamb Lies Down on Broadway, Duke, Selling England by the Pound, and Foxtrot

Excellent! The Lamb has that long novel written in the fold out, or at least the original had it. Still makes zero sense, unless you're on acid, haha.
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.???? I have never heard of these resent dead guys in my life until posted here.

Could be before your time. If not, it's a genre of music that is very rare, in today's rock music world. Yes, there are a handful of bands that still play this style, but they are very few and far between. It's an extremely difficult style of music to play, "progressive rock". In order to play this kind of music, you need to be a great, great, great musician. The people mentioned in this thread, are, and were, WORLD class musicians.
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I thought this was the biggest "cash grab" supergroup ever... I love what Howe, Wetton, Palmer did with YES, King Crimson, and ELP... but the songs that ASIA put together were just all pieces of 3:30 crap!
Sorta like any Bob Dylan song ever recorded . . .
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RIP John. This is eerily similar to Squire two years ago. Cancer just sneaks up and is unmerciful. And just like two years ago with Chris, Billy Sherwood was asked by John to fill in on the upcoming Asia tour. Deja vu for Billy.

I remember seeing Asia with Yes back in '09 at the Tower. Howe played double duty on that tour. Downes was only in Asia at the time and Wakeman's son Oliver was on keyboards for Yes. To this day Wetton still could belt out the tunes, great voice!

He was scheduled to be a part of this year's Cruise To The Edge. Here's a video from the cruise in 2014 featuring John and Chris playing with Steve Hackett.

Tripods are your friend . . .
After this day, I take solace in knowing the finer things in life. Example #1 is this version of the King Crimson classic with John Wetton, Steve Hackett, Chester Thompson and Ian McDonald.

if I haven't said it before, "The Tokyo Tapes" is a phenomenal 2-disc set for any true prog rock fan.