"my co-pilot just jumped out of the back of the plane".....jeebus

Geez I guess I was assuming he had a parachute on and was playing some sort of sick game.
“Do you need something else?”
Yeah, for you to process what you are being told.

At that point, what is air traffic control supposed to do with that info?
At that point, what is air traffic control supposed to do with that info?
Agreed but I think the pilot had to report it. I don't know where this happened but most public airlines require a pilot and co-pilot. Plus, a man's body falling on something would be damaging. Good idea to, at least, report it and let the authorities do their thing whatever that may be.
Pilot seems kinda calm about it. Don’t there guys often fly together and get to know each other? Even if a stranger wouldn’t there be issues with flight control with an open door at the rear? Wouldn’t there be concern of sabotage?

Bet this is fake. Too crazy for even this crazy world🤷🏻‍♀️
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Pilot seems kinda calm about it. Don’t there guys often fly together and get to know each other? Even if a stranger wouldn’t there be issues with flight control with an open door at the rear? Wouldn’t there be concern of sabotage?

Bet this is fake. Too crazy for even this crazy world🤷🏻‍♀️
you are probably right. I don't see anything else. Although I did see some references to a 2022 incident that is similar where the recording was just released but I don't know it they are the same or not. I suspect that the video used is not the same as the audio used as in the 2022 incident, the plane crash landed whereas this one looks like a safe landing.

But co-pilots have jumped. And yes, it is possible to open doors while planes are flying. Also, I've listened to several cockpit recordings of planes in trouble and the pilots are remarkably calm.
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This occurred a while back. He aircraft involved was a smaller skydiving plane with a lower able ramp at the back. Apparently the First Officer had damaged the main landing gear on a landing attempt. They went around and declared their intentions to make an emergency landing at RDU (Raleigh). The FO said he was feeling ill, got up headed to the back, lowered the ramp and jumped out of the airplane. I believe he was 27 years old. Body was found in a backyard about a mile from a middle school. captain made a successful emergency landing at RDU.