Ford sounded sincere but had no proof. It helped to say she passed a lie detector test but it hurt that none of her 4 witnesses supported her. IMO Ford came across as a very troubled person.
Kavanaugh was very convincing. I think his defense was as good as possible. His calendar recorded his activities and made no mention of this party. Ford lived a distance away and couldn't explain how she got to or from the party (much less where and when it occurred). The only thing that looked bad was that Kavanaugh's friend Mark Judge is unwilling to testify in person (even though he provided written support to Kavanaugh under penalty of perjury).
I'm not sure what good an FBI investigation would do. How could they find somebody to corroborate Ford's claim? They certainly can't prove Kavanaugh's innocence (can't prove a negative).
Kavanaugh and and his family have been treated horribly. The whole process is disgusting.
P.S. Dems caught in a lie about Ford not liking to fly. She was on the east coast all along and she's done a lot of long distance flying. Also a bunch of B.S. from Feinstein about keeping Ford's letter private.
Kavanaugh was very convincing. I think his defense was as good as possible. His calendar recorded his activities and made no mention of this party. Ford lived a distance away and couldn't explain how she got to or from the party (much less where and when it occurred). The only thing that looked bad was that Kavanaugh's friend Mark Judge is unwilling to testify in person (even though he provided written support to Kavanaugh under penalty of perjury).
I'm not sure what good an FBI investigation would do. How could they find somebody to corroborate Ford's claim? They certainly can't prove Kavanaugh's innocence (can't prove a negative).
Kavanaugh and and his family have been treated horribly. The whole process is disgusting.
P.S. Dems caught in a lie about Ford not liking to fly. She was on the east coast all along and she's done a lot of long distance flying. Also a bunch of B.S. from Feinstein about keeping Ford's letter private.