There's obviously a reason why 25 House races and two Senate races still haven't been called. The two sides are negotiating.
The DNC understands that if they don't take back the House, the GOP owns all political capital and there will be no negotiations going forward. So there are currently 25 House seats still "up for grabs" and two Senate seats. Of these the DNC would have to "win" 19 of 25 to get the House and give their side a shred of hope for the future. It might be enough just to come within 1-2 seats of taking back the House so they have a more realistic shot of taking back power in 2026 or before through resignations, people switching sides etc.
The GOP understands that if they don't give the Dems SOMETHING and the one thing they can still give is limited political power i.e. control of the House, then the next few years are going to be brutal. They only have a very small mandate (51%) to cut the federal government at the levels they are promising their base. But, the U.S. government is the most powerful, well-funded organism in the history of the planet and if the incoming Administration has ANY hopes of gutting about 1/3 of it they are going to need the DNC's cooperation.
So, in exchange for letting the DNC take back a small majority in the House by "finding" just enough votes in the races where only 58% or so of the votes have been tallied PLUS the GOP promising not to further investigate any past/current voter integrity issues (and not prosecuting DNC election officials), the DNC will
1. perhaps let the GOP "win" the Arizona Senate race so it doesn't look as suspicious,
2. agree to cooperate with the big issues like border security, energy policy, etc. now that there is a nationwide mandate to do so
3. cut down on the divisive rhetoric
Then both sides can be seen as solving our nation's problems TOGETHER and abate much of the anti-establishment sentiment which threatens both sides and is strongly shared by people on both the right AND the left right now.
The DNC understands that if they don't take back the House, the GOP owns all political capital and there will be no negotiations going forward. So there are currently 25 House seats still "up for grabs" and two Senate seats. Of these the DNC would have to "win" 19 of 25 to get the House and give their side a shred of hope for the future. It might be enough just to come within 1-2 seats of taking back the House so they have a more realistic shot of taking back power in 2026 or before through resignations, people switching sides etc.
The GOP understands that if they don't give the Dems SOMETHING and the one thing they can still give is limited political power i.e. control of the House, then the next few years are going to be brutal. They only have a very small mandate (51%) to cut the federal government at the levels they are promising their base. But, the U.S. government is the most powerful, well-funded organism in the history of the planet and if the incoming Administration has ANY hopes of gutting about 1/3 of it they are going to need the DNC's cooperation.
So, in exchange for letting the DNC take back a small majority in the House by "finding" just enough votes in the races where only 58% or so of the votes have been tallied PLUS the GOP promising not to further investigate any past/current voter integrity issues (and not prosecuting DNC election officials), the DNC will
1. perhaps let the GOP "win" the Arizona Senate race so it doesn't look as suspicious,
2. agree to cooperate with the big issues like border security, energy policy, etc. now that there is a nationwide mandate to do so
3. cut down on the divisive rhetoric
Then both sides can be seen as solving our nation's problems TOGETHER and abate much of the anti-establishment sentiment which threatens both sides and is strongly shared by people on both the right AND the left right now.
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