NCAA is guilty for a lack of institutional control.

That's the bottom line with the FBI charges. The NCAA is guilty here. I cannot see how Emmert will keep his job.

Absolutely agree. By continuing to keep the shoe companies in charge of the summer circuit simply allows the money to do its job with at the universities. For Emmett and company to really believe that Nike and addidas don’t make an effort to push kids to the appropriate programs is beyond naive. Heck, addidas and Nike pay a great portion of the coaches salaries for sh#ts sake! The kid (Bowen) at UofL who’s parent asked to receive $100k is ranked #15 in the country and isn’t even considered an NBA sure shot. Wonder what #s 1-14 are worth? Lol. Imagine how much Calipari and UK is paying out for their 40-50 kids over the last decade.
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Mark is outraged - "an extraordinary and despicable breach of trust." He's the lighthouse beacon shining down his pure and golden integrity on a sea of chaotic turpitude. He is without fault and had no inkling of this potential "despicable breach of trust." :rolleyes:

NCAA president Mark Emmert statement on federal government charges
Last Updated - Sep 26, 2017 16:22 EDT
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NCAA president Mark Emmert released the following statement Tuesday afternoon:

"The nature of the charges brought by the federal government are deeply disturbing. We have no tolerance whatsoever for this alleged behavior. Coaches hold a unique position of trust with student-athletes and their families and these bribery allegations, if true, suggest an extraordinary and despicable breach of that trust. We learned of these charges this morning and of course will support the ongoing criminal federal investigation.”
Mark is outraged - "an extraordinary and despicable breach of trust." He's the lighthouse beacon shining down his pure and golden integrity on a sea of chaotic turpitude. He is without fault and had no inkling of this potential "despicable breach of trust." :rolleyes:

NCAA president Mark Emmert statement on federal government charges
Last Updated - Sep 26, 2017 16:22 EDT
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NCAA president Mark Emmert released the following statement Tuesday afternoon:

"The nature of the charges brought by the federal government are deeply disturbing. We have no tolerance whatsoever for this alleged behavior. Coaches hold a unique position of trust with student-athletes and their families and these bribery allegations, if true, suggest an extraordinary and despicable breach of that trust. We learned of these charges this morning and of course will support the ongoing criminal federal investigation.”
"It's not my's someone else's fault"....great leadership always shines through.
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"We learned of these charges this morning and of course will support the ongoing criminal federal investigation.”
This is what incriminates him - suppose he's telling the truth (I know, it's a stretch)...the fact of the matter is he SHOULD have known about what was going on for a while. It took an outside entity to step in and yank his head out of the sand. In one statement he's proven his incompetence.

Of course I don't believe he's telling the truth, and is in full blown CYA mode. Which also should be grounds for dismissal.
Sure hope the FBI looks carefully at the idea that NCAA enforcers/investigators knew about some of this and looked the other way.
You have said this a couple of times now Dem. Wonder if you saw something in your review of that report that no one is allowed to talk about.
That's the bottom line with the FBI charges. The NCAA is guilty here. I cannot see how Emmert will keep his job.

Chutzpah! Gotta look at his history was an administrator at Connecticut, at Louisiana State University and Washington. Not even going to describe his screw-ups while head of the NCAA. Have better things to do with my life.
Not really. Nothing in the document review about this. I just think that anyone who was so quick to conclude "Joe knew" is likely to be projecting.
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This is what incriminates him - suppose he's telling the truth (I know, it's a stretch)...the fact of the matter is he SHOULD have known about what was going on for a while. It took an outside entity to step in and yank his head out of the sand. In one statement he's proven his incompetence.

Of course I don't believe he's telling the truth, and is in full blown CYA mode. Which also should be grounds for dismissal.
A variation on the liar's paradox.
Some interesting comments from a coach:
Utah's Larry Krystkowiak says NCAA scandal not shocking or surprising

“I think there’s going to be immoral people and people that break rules in any category, in any profession and we’ve chosen not to,” he continued. “And I think it’s probably just the tip of the iceberg, and more than anything I’m curious to see what the ramifications are as far as the NCAA goes.”

Krystkowiak added that the wrongdoing in college basketball is neither a surprise nor shocking.

“It’s been an underlying tone that it’s been going on in some capacity,” he said. “The NCAA has never had the ability to enforce rules.”

Over the summer, a coach told Krystkowiak: “If you’re not cheating, you’re cheating yourself.”

Krystkowiak noted that certain conferences are notorious for doing that and if you’re trying to compete in those leagues and you don’t, you’re going to be subpar.

...and also from an A.D.:

By the way, UCF’s current AD, Danny White, doesn’t seem to be shedding any tears for Pitino either. White says the FBI investigation that brought down Pitino will actually be a positive for programs that are run above board.

“All of the clean coaches are celebrating,” White told me Friday. “They’ve been disadvantaged in recruiting for a long time. … As a college athletics lifer who grew up in the business [his father Kevin White is the AD at Duke], I’m embarrassed to see our dirty laundry aired like this. A lot of this stuff has been known to be going on, but nobody could do anything about it.

“There are a lot of bad actors out there who are taking advantage of kids,” White added. “When you get into inducements and bribery and manipulating kids, this is something that has been bothering me for many years. While I’m embarrassed for college basketball, I’m actually excited for the future of the game because I think now we can finally get it cleaned up.”
Absolutely agree. By continuing to keep the shoe companies in charge of the summer circuit simply allows the money to do its job with at the universities. For Emmett and company to really believe that Nike and addidas don’t make an effort to push kids to the appropriate programs is beyond naive. Heck, addidas and Nike pay a great portion of the coaches salaries for sh#ts sake! The kid (Bowen) at UofL who’s parent asked to receive $100k is ranked #15 in the country and isn’t even considered an NBA sure shot. Wonder what #s 1-14 are worth? Lol. Imagine how much Calipari and UK is paying out for their 40-50 kids over the last decade.

Exactly! This is but the tip of the ice berg.
Mark is outraged - "an extraordinary and despicable breach of trust." He's the lighthouse beacon shining down his pure and golden integrity on a sea of chaotic turpitude. He is without fault and had no inkling of this potential "despicable breach of trust." :rolleyes:

NCAA president Mark Emmert statement on federal government charges
Last Updated - Sep 26, 2017 16:22 EDT
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NCAA president Mark Emmert released the following statement Tuesday afternoon:

"The nature of the charges brought by the federal government are deeply disturbing. We have no tolerance whatsoever for this alleged behavior. Coaches hold a unique position of trust with student-athletes and their families and these bribery allegations, if true, suggest an extraordinary and despicable breach of that trust. We learned of these charges this morning and of course will support the ongoing criminal federal investigation.”

He didn't really say that, did he?
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...Emmert probably said, "If I knew back then what I know now I probably would have been able to take more decisive action"... :(
You mean Obama. Major problem? It's bushs fault.

Oregon and Maryland did. It have great basketball programs. That is where they would have steered them.