NCAA Ordered to Pay $46 million for O'Bannon Legal Fees


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Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Just saw a news piece come by....from CBS Sports....sorry didn't have time to link it....gotta run....but the quick summary of the article is that this is putting a hurt on the NCAA in terms of funds to pay this......I love the fact that they have fights on multiple fronts.

I don't know. This is what the NCAA does- they drag things out in court and try to bankrupt their opposition. It's pretty rare they lose a big case like this but they've really overstepped their bounds the last few years. Do the Paterno's have $46 million to spend fighting the NCAA (or at least an agreement with the lawyers to recover their fees from the NCAA)?
I don't know. This is what the NCAA does- they drag things out in court and try to bankrupt their opposition. It's pretty rare they lose a big case like this but they've really overstepped their bounds the last few years. Do the Paterno's have $46 million to spend fighting the NCAA (or at least an agreement with the lawyers to recover their fees from the NCAA)?

Of course they do, and they won't spend anywhere near that.
You clearly have not been reading Michnittlion, CDW3333 and Cruisin' Route 66 and their spin on things. They believe the Paternos will have to pay the NCAA for the sheer privilege of being in the same room as them.
I never said that. Just King and Spalding and the meter is running at warp speed. Curious as to how much Bill Kenney is having to kick in for a case he's likely never to see a nickle from.
I never said that. Just King and Spalding and the meter is running at warp speed. Curious as to how much Bill Kenney is having to kick in for a case he's likely never to see a nickle from.

The Paternos are going to pound the NCAA.
I never said that. Just King and Spalding and the meter is running at warp speed. Curious as to how much Bill Kenney is having to kick in for a case he's likely never to see a nickle from.
Warp speed as in the dozen attorneys (or more) the NCAA sicced on O'Bannon? How do you know this? Your smoke machine is running at full capacity this afternoon. Do you have an agricultural background, because your manure spreader seems to be in tip top shape as well?
I never said that. Just King and Spalding and the meter is running at warp speed. Curious as to how much Bill Kenney is having to kick in for a case he's likely never to see a nickle from.
Just saw a news piece come by....from CBS Sports....sorry didn't have time to link it....gotta run....but the quick summary of the article is that this is putting a hurt on the NCAA in terms of funds to pay this......I love the fact that they have fights on multiple fronts.
I have a hard time believing that amount is hurting the NCAA coffers.Eventually the Power5(will soon be Power 4)will move away from the current beuracratic leadership.The current tv contracts are worth billions btw.
Warp speed as in the dozen attorneys (or more) the NCAA sicced on O'Bannon? How do you know this? Your smoke machine is running at full capacity this afternoon. Do you have an agricultural background, because your manure spreader seems to be in tip top shape as well?

The O'Bannon case was a totally different type of case (antitrust) that had sound legal underpinnings grounded in federal antitrust law. It was filed as a class action with OBannon acting as the lead plaintiff. The eventual winners in that case were current/future college athletes and the greedy bastard attorneys that brought the action, not Ed OBannon.

From where I sit, I think the JVP estate is shooting from the hip hoping that if it throws enough shit against the wall some of it sticks. If the estate is hoping for a financial windfall and pinning its hopes on the level of proof that Jay and Kenney have just exhibited or can't exhibit, I think there are going to be a lot of disappointed people in the Paterno household. Look, I'm not rooting for the NCAA and against the Paterno's, just calling it like I think it will go based on the court rulings, documents, and depositions that are already out there in the public domain. And yes its warp speed ahead for the Spaulding and King billing machine. They won't bat an eyelash getting as much as they can of the $5.5M PSU paid the JVP estate.

The NCAA will likely drag this case out for as long as it can with all kind of legal maneuvering. The longer it goes, the more it costs the Paternos and others who may be helping them foot the bill. Clearly the JVP estate has a much lesser financial tipping point than the billion dollar organization it chose to go up against and little guarantee it will win.
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You haven't answered my question. How do you know the Spaulding and King billing machine is going warp speed ahead? Do you know for sure that they aren't on contingency? Do you know for sure that they are devoting significant resources to address the NCAA's stalling tactics? Is this one of the few big engagements they have so the they can divert Senior high cost resources? If the answer is no, once again you are confusing opinion, conjecture and supposition with fact.
I have a hard time believing that amount is hurting the NCAA coffers.Eventually the Power5(will soon be Power 4)will move away from the current beuracratic leadership.The current tv contracts are worth billions btw.
Wow 66. Your post is actually insightful and non-inflammatory.
You haven't answered my question. How do you know the Spaulding and King billing machine is going warp speed ahead? Do you know for sure that they aren't on contingency? Why would they be on a contingency? This is not a personal injury case where the outcomes are all but predictably certain. The outcome in this case is highly uncertain and King and Spalding isn't going to risk the firm's financial capital on a payday that has a reasonable probability of not being there. That I'm reasonably certain of that. Do you know for sure that they are devoting significant resources to address the NCAA's stalling tactics? The NCAA is entitled to defend itself in whatever manner that suits it best. If stalling and delay tactics is how it wants to defend the action, then the plaintiffs have the right to ask the court to intervene and move the process forward. The O'Bannon case took six years and that was with a bevy of high priced attorneys and law firms working to speed it up from the plaintiff side. Even in smaller cases there is a significant amount of time devoted to meeting with clients and/or their proxies, assembling information, preparing of legal documents and filing complaints, responding to adversary and judicial requests, filing appeals and appealing decisions, deposing witnesses, and hiring/working with attorneys in other jurisdictions. Considering the estate and/or others are footing the legal bill and that Wink Wink is considered a highly regarded attorney that works in the best interest of his client, yes I'm reasonably sure King and Spalding is devoting appropriate resources to win the case as expeditiously as humanly possible. Is this one of the few big engagements they have so the they can divert Senior high cost resources? Depends on how you define "big". If big is defined as high profile because of the Paterno name then yes it's a big case and people/media will be watching with keen interest to see if the firm prevails. King & Spalding is an international firm that represents an array of clients including half of the FortuneGlobal 100. It has 800 lawyers plus support staff in 17 offices in the United States, Europe, Middle East, and Asia, has been in business for 125 years, and is one of the most highly regarded law firms anywhere. Accordingly it can deploy whatever resources it needs wherever it needs them in support of the client. Because of its reputation, the firm doesn't come cheap and has some of the highest billing rates found anywhere.
If the answer is no, once again you are confusing opinion, conjecture and supposition with fact.
As indicated, the answers are yes, yes, and yes.
You clearly have not been reading Michnittlion, CDW3333 and Cruisin' Route 66 and their spin on things. They believe the Paternos will have to pay the NCAA for the sheer privilege of being in the same room as them.

I never said that --- my argument has always been that the Paternos are suing the wrong party. They should be suing Penn State and/or Louis Freeh.

That said, your last sentence isn't incorrect. It just needs three words changed. The Paternos will have to pay Wick Sollers for the sheer privilege of being in the same room as him. I'll bet $1000 to a cookie :) that Sollers isn't taking this case on contingency.
I never said that --- my argument has always been that the Paternos are suing the wrong party. They should be suing Penn State and/or Louis Freeh.

That said, your last sentence isn't incorrect. It just needs three words changed. The Paternos will have to pay Wick Sollers for the sheer privilege of being in the same room as him. I'll bet $1000 to a cookie :) that Sollers isn't taking this case on contingency.

Wick is working for....
