Saturday was my first ever experience at NCAA’s, all I can say is I am extremely jealous of all of you that attend every year. I had seats in a suite that had food and beverage so that was pretty good.
After getting there Saturday morning, we went exploring. We went to the Lexus club first and as I looked in the door the first thing I see is the championship team trophy sitting on a table. Of course I had to get some pictures with it, but I couldn’t bring myself to touch it. I didn’t think I was worthy.
My youngest son and I went looking for souvenirs and saw Ben Askren which was kind of cool. Unfortunately the top I wanted they didn’t have in my size. Anybody know of a site where NCAA wrestling stuff is sold? I have goggled everything I can think of and have come up empty.
During session 5 saw Teasdale sitting in the suite beside us, but didn’t see any school affiliation with anybody in there.
In between sessions we explored several establishments trying to stay hydrated, I’ve heard that’s important.

As we were getting ready to leave the last place and head to the arena, a Rutgers fan sitting beside me starts talking about how he is so nervous about the finals. I was about to tell him I was rooting for Ash, but couldn’t bring myself to root for He who should not be named, when he continued that he was Suriano’s uncle.

So I told him I was rooting for both also. Figured a little white lie wouldn’t hurt.
The wrestling was incredible and loved every second I got to experience.
We decided on going to a cigar bar as our last stop of the night in our continued quest for hydration. As I was chatting with my youngest I see him look up and say hi to somebody, turns out it was Myles Martin. I had to go over and shake his hand and congratulate him on fantastic career. Ended up talking to him for 10 or 15 minutes, great young man.
Hoping I get to go back again someday.