Plenty of good wrestlers in this tournament and some recognizable names to watch
125 - Tommy Cox, Charlie Lenox, Gage Curry
133 - Tariq Wilson , Taylor LaMont, Sean McCabe, Josh Patrick
141 - Robbie Rizzolino, Kenan Carter, Jamal Morris, AC Headlee
149 - Beau Donahue, Collin Glorioso, Anthony Giraldo, Kennedy Monday, Taylor Ortz, Adam Whitesell
157 - Wade Hodges, James Saylor, Gary Dinmore
165 - Mike Comunale, Hayden Hidlay, Brendan Burnham, Garrett Neff, Nick Carr
174 - Daniel Bullard, Tyler Askey, Chris Dietrich
184 - Stephen Loiseau, Greg Bulsak, Max Dean, Pete Renda
197 - Ben Darmstadt, Trey Hartsock, Drew Phipps, Nicky Hall
HWT - Mike Rogers, Michael Hughes, Jake Scanlan, Antonio Pelusi, Dylan Otis, Ralph Normandia
It's not the scuffle but still some talent on display