Need suggestions from the board


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2007
Taking my oldest daughter, who is now a senior in High School and set on going to PSU, up on for a campus tour on Friday July 7. The whole family will be with us two youngest daughters 15 and 13.
Arrival is set for Thursday afternoon . Thinking of staying over Friday night. Anything to suggest Friday night or Saturday morning.
Cringing at the thought of out of state tuition.
Well, Saturday July 8 (if you're a country music fan) there's the Blake Shelton concert at the Beav, gates open at 2:30 PM. Tickets still available. Maybe you'll get to see Gwen Stefani?

The State College Spikes have a game scheduled at Lubrano Park at noon that day also.

Not too much happening on campus other than those events, it being summertime and all. But there's always Tussey Mountain

A Saturday morning breakfast at The Waffle Shop on N. Atherton is always worth the trip.

Have a nice trip. Drive carefully on 495.
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Taking my oldest daughter, who is now a senior in High School and set on going to PSU, up on for a campus tour on Friday July 7. The whole family will be with us two youngest daughters 15 and 13.
Arrival is set for Thursday afternoon . Thinking of staying over Friday night. Anything to suggest Friday night or Saturday morning.
Cringing at the thought of out of state tuition.

I'm sure many others can offer thoughts about what your family and you can do.

I'll just focus on the two items that I bolded.

Tuition is a PITA, whether it's in-state or out-of-state. It's a big chunk of money. It would be an inconvenience for most people. So while there are cheaper options, and families that may be better able to afford college, you're about to experience some pain that is shared by most parents.

And yet, most parents do their best to handle the situation. In part, it's because their offspring may, like yours, be set on going to PSU. Give her some credit -- she's already exhibiting some brains. ;)

I've engaged quite a few students at PSU from VA, MD, NJ, and NY in conversations, and have asked many of them why they opted for PSU over cheaper alternatives in-state. Most of them look at me like I'm crazy, and have replies like, "and miss all of this?" There is something very special at PSU, and for most students it is the best time of their life.
I'm sure many others can offer thoughts about what your family and you can do.

I'll just focus on the two items that I bolded.

Tuition is a PITA, whether it's in-state or out-of-state. It's a big chunk of money. It would be an inconvenience for most people. So while there are cheaper options, and families that may be better able to afford college, you're about to experience some pain that is shared by most parents.

And yet, most parents do their best to handle the situation. In part, it's because their offspring may, like yours, be set on going to PSU. Give her some credit -- she's already exhibiting some brains. ;)

I've engaged quite a few students at PSU from VA, MD, NJ, and NY in conversations, and have asked many of them why they opted for PSU over cheaper alternatives in-state. Most of them look at me like I'm crazy, and have replies like, "and miss all of this?" There is something very special at PSU, and for most students it is the best time of their life.

Thanks Tom.
I think of all the Saturdays we hung out as a family watching PSU football and the talks of how great a school PSU is . Now it is time to pay up or shut up. Little did I know how much those " inexpensive Saturday's " would come back and cost me a fortune.
For her freshman year with a home address of VA, she is an out of state student. But if she changes her home address (State College apt. not University Park dorms), driving license, voter registration to PA for the remainder of her college years -- she becomes an in state student.

That is all you need for FLA.-- you have time to check everything out no matter where she might go to school (but you know she will go to PSU -- there is nothing like it anywhere else).
Back in the old days the saying was, " If you're not smart enough to figure out how to pay in state tuition, you're not not smart enough to graduate."

But since then I've heard that PSU has toughened up and it's not as easy as declaring residency. I think there's something about having a tax history in the state for residency changes. Anybody know?
Back in the old days the saying was, " If you're not smart enough to figure out how to pay in state tuition, you're not not smart enough to graduate."

But since then I've heard that PSU has toughened up and it's not as easy as declaring residency. I think there's something about having a tax history in the state for residency changes. Anybody know?
It's very difficult to become an "in-state" resident per PSU's policy (linked)
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It's very difficult to become an "in-state" resident per PSU's policy (linked)

Perhaps having a relative living in the state, transferring a domicile 12 months in advance would not be a problem -- especially if the student comes from a private prep school or charter school with room and board away from parents. However if a public high school, out of district costs (while in high school) could be costly.
Perhaps better to search the internet for any scholarship under any title and apply for the funds.
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