the golf course is about 25 minutes east of Louisville KY. This was the PGA Championship, a major. Years of planning and training went into this event. I get that there was an accident but this was a trained police officer, in general. He was also trained and educated on the event. How do I know this? The event dominated that city for a month.
the fact that he, in fact "they", didn't know who Scottie S was is incredibly stupid. Second, if you followed the event, you know that the officer totally overreacted. Scheffler was following other players going onto the berm and getting around the accident to make an 8 am tee time for a nationally televised event. Lights are flashing, it is rainy, and it is hard to see and hear. I get that. At the end of the day, some discretion needs to be used in this kind of situation by the officer. You don't arrest and frog march, book, and detain in jail the top player in the world because he couldn't hear the officer yelling at him to stop. Once the officer realized he was dealing with a professional golfer who was totally apologetic and confused, he should have let him go. This is why people hate police officers. Use your freaking brain.