New State College Hotel


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2003
Don’t know if reported here previously but noticed yesterday while in State College a new Holiday Inn started construction. Location is adjacent and east of Sam’s Club on Benner Pike
Listed completion is fall 2020.
I was amazed at volume of other construction in downtown SC. Rapidly changing.

Anyone know nature of construction in plaza outside BJC?
There is another on the books for Dwntwn and one out on North Atherton but no dirt has been moved. Graduate takes over the The Atherton next month and Bellefonte is due to get one on the waterfront.
The Bellefonte hotel, as of last year, was to be done in 2020. But based on how Bellefonte has screwed up that whole waterfront reconstruction effort, it'll be a lot longer than that. Plus I don't think construction has even started yet.
The Bellefonte hotel, as of last year, was to be done in 2020. But based on how Bellefonte has screwed up that whole waterfront reconstruction effort, it'll be a lot longer than that. Plus I don't think construction has even started yet.

Last announcement in Bellefonte re waterfront project I’m aware of was in March 2019. Nothing since. It included disclosing Bellefonte Waterfront Associates LLC intent for property and sketches including 70 room boutique hotel silence since.

Re Bellefonte Area being challenged by management of construction see this CDT article on prospect that Bellefonte High football may have to play all games away for 2nd year due to poor construction management of new field. Sad commentary