New UM coach-dumpster fire is contained

Yes they did receive a large gift. It was informally announced but I have yet to hear or see it publicly. Brown University is run by a group called the Corporation that consists of the Board of Trustees and the Board of Fellows. The Corporation must approval large gifts like the $6,000,000 pending gift. They may have yet to approve it.

Neat story is that my son who attended Penn State and I go to almost all of the NCAAs. We were in Oklahoma City and went out for drinks Thursday night with some five Brown University guys. One of the alum who is rather young asked my son what he did and my son told him he was a finance major at Penn State. The guy, a finance guy himself said if I can ever help you, give me a call. Rumor is that that individual is the donor.

As to my small donation, it will help the new RTC they have.

Remember Harvard has an endowment of over $39 Billion dollars yet they still ask for more.

Also it should be noted I attended a local State college, therefore any grammar or other errors in my current or future posts should not reflect on Brown or Penn State.
I spent a summer 10 years or so ago working some camps at Brown. On the drive into campus there was a random hippie string quartet playing in the front yard of a house. The University was a pain to deal with, the cafeteria was way too far away, and most of the HS kids I worked with came from Old Money so they needed my midwestern charm. But, I love that Brown supports wrestling!
Brown did not go pass/fail, they have a grading system with A, B and C. They have an Open Curriculum that allows you to take any classes you wish outside of your major (called concentration at Brown). With the open Curriculum Brown wants you to take classes that allow you to explore other educational subjects. The are no mandatory classes outside your concentration.

You can take classes as pass/fail instead of a grade. However any good advisor would tell you to limit that grading selection as employers frown upon non-graded classes.

As to rigorous the academics, chances are the student on one side of you is his high schools valedictorian and the student on your left was his high schools salutatorian.

There is no free ride.

Good to hear.
Merit is the only thing that should matter.