Newest For The Blogy: Can Kotelnicki Scheme Guys Open


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2021

@CaliLION79 didn't see you share this yet so I figured I would.

@CaliLION79 didn't see you share this yet so I figured I would.
There you go again…..getting my hopes up!

My biggest concern is the K offensive scheme. Can the guys pick it up fast enough? How much confusion will there be? Will it lead to interceptions when guys run the wrong routes or the QB see the field differently?

By end of season could be great. Getting there is the issue.
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There you go again…..getting my hopes up!

My biggest concern is the K offensive scheme. Can the guys pick it up fast enough? How much confusion will there be? Will it lead to interceptions when guys run the wrong routes or the QB see the field differently?

By end of season could be great. Getting there is the issue.

I think false starts could be an issue, but Yurcich did some of this stuff. Remember Strange lining up where the LT does vs Auburn and slipping out for a big gain? And this was done off of tempo / hurry up.

Additionally, it seems like a lot of the motion is about getting one player into position to exploit a matchup. If that isn't there, I believe there will be a safety valve route and the take off and run option (hence Allar cutting about 10 lbs).
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I think false starts could be an issue, but Yurcich did some of this stuff. Remember Strange lining up where the LT does vs Auburn and slipping out for a big gain? And this was done off of tempo / hurry up.

Additionally, it seems like a lot of the motion is about getting one player into position to exploit a matchup. If that isn't there, I believe there will be a safety valve route and the take off and run option (hence Allar cutting about 10 lbs).
Yep, expect some confusion early on. False starts, delay of games, wasted timeouts. We have seen that playbook before.

Takes time to learn all this new stuff to where it is reflexive. If players are out there trying to remember where go it really slows the play. Could lead to turn overs and other problems.

If everything clicks the offense should be scary good. The receivers could excel in this system, especially if Wallace stays healthy.

Next year could be crazy good but only if top talent sticks around. But most are expecting multiple guys going pro.
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