So now it was the NIxon admin that started the decline of journalism??? What a smelly pile of BS. You need to wake up and smell the crap we have been dealt much longer than the Nixon admin. You are what you accuse Murdoch of being.
No, you injected your political bias into the equation. Murdoch actually help by exposing how corrupt the news biz is. Too many people swallowed the MSM jive for decades and never questioned what they were being fed. Fox isn't perfect but at least now people can two sides to the story and decide for themselves what to believe.
In my singular example, the media knew what was going on in Syria and the rest of the ME but didn't tell people because the Leftwing media loves blaming the US for the world's problems. Thats the story that fit their agenda so thats the story that was told.
The media loved Woodrow Wilson and never highlighted his terrible racism or his plans for eugenics. We are still paying for his racist policies and will for at least another 50 yrs. But he was a Progressive and the media wouldn't do anything to harm The Cause.
Journalism died a long time ago except for a few rare holdouts tat dare to tell the truth. Unfortunately, they have been buried in the avalanche of corrupted 'news.'