If our political 'leaders' decide to shut down the government by refusing funding the shutdown should be a real shutdown. You can't have a shutdown if the parts of the government not funded remain open.
The TSA is a prime example - no current funding but TSA still screening passengers. That should not be. No money equals no TSA screeners, no passengers allowed to board airplanes.
No money for Park Services, shut down all National Parks.
No money for Border Control (Homeland Security) means truly open borders with no checking on anyone.
No money for Treasury - no Secret Service until funded.
The TSA is a prime example - no current funding but TSA still screening passengers. That should not be. No money equals no TSA screeners, no passengers allowed to board airplanes.
No money for Park Services, shut down all National Parks.
No money for Border Control (Homeland Security) means truly open borders with no checking on anyone.
No money for Treasury - no Secret Service until funded.