Politics aside, this entire situation is really illustrating the benefit of govt provided healthcare and having a govt which has the means to swiftly mobilize against this sort of threat. The mortality rate in the US is at 3.5% according to wiki (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019–20_coronavirus_outbreak_by_country_and_territory). When you compare that to other countries with more than 700 cases, the only countries who's mortality rates surpass ours is Iran (3.6%), Italy (6.2%) A EU nation being on this list is a real shocker, but it appears they've completely bungled this entire situation from the get-go)) and China (f**k knows what their actual situation is). On the other end of the spectrum is Korea (.8%), Spain (2%), France (1.8%), Germany (.15%).
Now, it's worth mentioning that there are a number of factors that affect how many cases are actual reported, so we don't really know the entire picture and probably never will until long after this matter is settled. Expect reporting to get even more bungled once large amounts of people begin to recover as the standards by which someone is considered "recovered" will probably vary from nation to nation.
There are, however, some positive signs out there. After seeing a voracious rise in cases in February and early March, news coming out of South Korea is that the number of new cases has slowed over the past few days (reported per
https://www.bloomberg.com/news/arti...-virus-outbreak-may-be-slowing-officials-says and a number of other media outlets). It's proving nearly impossible to contain and treat Coronavirus on a nationwide level, but the groundwork is being laid (albeit in nations smaller than the US).
South Korea, however, is more prepared for this sort of situation than Western Countries for a number of reasons (remember that Korea's MERS outbreak happened a mere five years ago). They are probably going to be the ideal by which nations like the US should follow going forward. Whether we will be able to duplicate their success given the resources available to citizens in America is, in my opinion, unlikely, but it would be nice to be surprised.