Surely if Obama and these attendees were really concerned about climate change, they would've done this via Skype.
Oh wait - I forgot. Just plant a tree somewhere and all is good. I planted a Cherry tree in my front yard. How much carbon can I spew now and still be in the good graces of the tree huggers? Or, and I know this is crazy talk, I could plant that tree AND not take private planes and 14 car envoys to a conference across the world where I could just as easily boot up my $300 laptop and do Skype.
Oh wait - I forgot. Just plant a tree somewhere and all is good. I planted a Cherry tree in my front yard. How much carbon can I spew now and still be in the good graces of the tree huggers? Or, and I know this is crazy talk, I could plant that tree AND not take private planes and 14 car envoys to a conference across the world where I could just as easily boot up my $300 laptop and do Skype.