When you take a step back for a moment and observe what they are saying and how they are acting, it is very interesting to watch in purely psychological terms. Interesting, but also somewhat disturbing.
They all sound the same. They regurgitate the exact same tired talking points. They call names incessantly. They make ridiculous claims which are either provably false or of little to no consequence. Most of all they accuse anybody who doesn't agree with them of doing exactly what they themselves are actually doing on a daily basis.
I have never seen such sustained desperation among a group of people; it feels like their entire geo-political worldview is about to collapse like a house of cards and they are throwing as much invective out there as possible to somehow delay the future. I guess psychologists would explain this phenomenon as the inevitable result of people living in an echo-chamber which is constantly ginning up their emotions so they can be soldiers of resistance in a nation which is otherwise peaceful and prosperous (and fair). No wonder these sad citizens don bandanas and throw stuff at the police.
It almost makes me yearn for the Obama years when those who opposed the Administration did so in a rational and civil manner.
They all sound the same. They regurgitate the exact same tired talking points. They call names incessantly. They make ridiculous claims which are either provably false or of little to no consequence. Most of all they accuse anybody who doesn't agree with them of doing exactly what they themselves are actually doing on a daily basis.
I have never seen such sustained desperation among a group of people; it feels like their entire geo-political worldview is about to collapse like a house of cards and they are throwing as much invective out there as possible to somehow delay the future. I guess psychologists would explain this phenomenon as the inevitable result of people living in an echo-chamber which is constantly ginning up their emotions so they can be soldiers of resistance in a nation which is otherwise peaceful and prosperous (and fair). No wonder these sad citizens don bandanas and throw stuff at the police.
It almost makes me yearn for the Obama years when those who opposed the Administration did so in a rational and civil manner.
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