Given the Prosecution's "same old song and dance" witness list:
I think it is pretty safe to assume (like 95+%) that barring Curley or Schultz going "completely off the reservation" with startling, heretofore unreleased information (I don't expect that to happen - but you never know, and we will find out soon enough) the state likely has absolutely zero case against Spanier.
No more than they did back in 2011
No more than they did at his preliminary hearing - when the charges should never have been moved forward (but were 100% locks to move forward through the typical District Magistrate deputy-dog stage)
That doesn't mean he won't get convicted.
Because? Because it's a jury trial.
And, in a case like this, It is highly likely that the jury will demand to "blame someone". Especially after Kline brings his dog-and-pony show to the parade - - - which brings up a whole 'nuther topic we should be discussing - but not right now.
Thus far - the only person the jury is being given the option of "blaming" is GS.
(And the defense team wet the bed - bewilderingly - on this critical issue with the acquiescence to the JR testimony)
Anyway - Day 2 coming up ........ and I'm sure it will draw a lot of interest.
Couple things to keep in mind wrt "jury trials":
1 - As opposed to a discussion among individuals, in a trial setting it is often/usually the case that once an opportunity to delve into an issue is bypassed, that opportunity is GONE forever (on occasion the opposition may open the door for calling a "rebuttal" witness to revisit an issue - but that is the exception)
2 - When the Jury goes back into seclusion to deliberate, you don't have an atmosphere of a PhD dissertation committee - where you have a panel of educated experts who are going to logically dissect the information they were presented with. What you have is a panel of emotional, often intellectually limited "folks". And they render decisions - often (usually?) - that have much more to do with "what they think should happen", rather than "what the rule of law dictate"
3 - The attitudes and biases of the jury, if they were not already established before the trial, are often going to be established very early in the proceedings. It is what it is ....... and once established, and allowed to fester, they are VERY hard to overcome
Looking at "Day 1" of Spanier v Pennsylvania, there were several disconcerting aspects - - - none more so than the cross of JR.
It was - IMO - the most critical event of Day 1 (and nothing else came close)
JR's depiction of the TC meeting......essentially that "TC told me they already handled it".....was left untouched......bewilderingly untouched.
The net result? The Jury now has the impression that PSU (and make no mistake, for this jury, PSU is personified in the visage of Graham Spanier) lied to not only MM, but also to the folks at the 2nd Mile.
This is a severely damaging mistake (IMO) and will be a huge hurdle to overcome moving forward
I'll get into some other examples when more time is available.
It is always better to observe these things in person - - - but there were a handful of situations that appear to have been FUBAR-ed