Considering all factors and not just personal preference what is the most beneficial starting time for our home football games?
This needs to be cross referenced with age of said voter and region they are driving from.Considering all factors and not just personal preference what is the most beneficial starting time for our home football games?
The very reason why I don't like noon starts is because I don't think many folks have their act together by 9am. Whether it be your first day off and you are sleeping in or its just too early for many to concentrate on football. At 3:30 the options I believe are much greater for the averageFor opponents like Purdue, UR, Buffalo, etc., I like the noon kickoffs. I’m on the West Coast so it’s 9am. Get the game over with and got the rest of the day free.
1:30, old school!Early games= less drinking=less public stupidity=less opportunity for people to write negative articles on PSU
I do prefer 1pm to noon, as another poster stated