Once again, the powers that be screwed up. They had 45 members of the 1986

Roar More

Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2004
national championship team at half time for about a minute. Instead of introducing them individually, as they had for every other team over the past several years, they noted the team's existence and rushed them off the field. Why? To introduce the alumni council, or maybe the alumni association council. Who cares? Just another douche move from a tone deaf administration.
national championship team at half time for about a minute. Instead of introducing them individually, as they had for every other team over the past several years, they noted the team's existence and rushed them off the field. Why? To introduce the alumni council, or maybe the alumni association council. Who cares? Just another douche move from a tone deaf administration.
Sad, but predictable.
national championship team at half time for about a minute. Instead of introducing them individually, as they had for every other team over the past several years, they noted the team's existence and rushed them off the field. Why? To introduce the alumni council, or maybe the alumni association council. Who cares? Just another douche move from a tone deaf administration.

100% agree-what a load of crap, I literally buried my face in my hands to keep from screaming; they just don't get it......
national championship team at half time for about a minute. Instead of introducing them individually, as they had for every other team over the past several years, they noted the team's existence and rushed them off the field. Why? To introduce the alumni council, or maybe the alumni association council. Who cares? Just another douche move from a tone deaf administration.
national championship team at half time for about a minute. Instead of introducing them individually, as they had for every other team over the past several years, they noted the team's existence and rushed them off the field. Why? To introduce the alumni council, or maybe the alumni association council. Who cares? Just another douche move from a tone deaf administration.

Agree. After Mbar's "heads up" I was expecting something a lot bigger. That was just lame.
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They asked not to be named individually, but only as a team. Not sure why, but that is what I was informed - from a member of that teams' offensive line.
Nah-nah-nah-nah sticking my fingers in my ears. I'd rather be outraged, everything done since 2011 is due to incompetence. Sandy's wearing sensible shoes and redecorating her office again. :rolleyes:
The Michael Robinson into and gameday captain was pretty cool. Need more of that but agree the halftime intro of that team who really did shock the world beating Miami was not well done.
The last time PSU beat OSU at home MRob was our QB.
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They asked not to be named individually, but only as a team. Not sure why, but that is what I was informed - from a member of that teams' offensive line.

100% this^^^^^

Some people are just itching to find fault with something.
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I'll stop finding fault when Corbett is in prison, Fina and Eshbach are disbarred, Raykovitz has his license revoked and OGBOT members are tarred and feathered at the 50 yard line in front of 108,000.
They asked not to be named individually, but only as a team. Not sure why, but that is what I was informed - from a member of that teams' offensive line.

That 85/86 team was better than 68/69 and better than 1994 and better than 2005.

Greatest team in Penn State history! Next to Tony Sacca's 1991 team, of course.