One Team Event at the Beav... Adley Stump

I just got off the phone with a friend who was there. He said it was OK. Not bad but nothing special. The box lunch was good, but he said they need to step up on the food for future events, a sentiment he said was shared by a number of people he talked to. He thought the program was a bit boring, but he stayed until the end. All on all, it was about what he expected, but he had hoped for more.
About 1600 tickets were sold on groupon. That's pretty much the defining characteristic of a concert that isn't doing well, going 2 for 1 on Groupon.
That is par for the course these days for concerts. Unless it is a mega star who sell out at release tickets are going to eventually end up on group on. Essentially what they do is inflate the ticket price and get the hard core fans to over pay for the event. Then as time comes they unload the rest of the tickets on places like group on. Almost any concert in a larger venue let alone a 100,000 seat stadium is going to end up on group on.
I dunno, anybody disagrees, their opinion is valid, but I thought it was pretty good. I've had box lunches that was a hell of a lot worse. I had the roast beast - the bread was fresh, they gave you a goodly amount of meat, the cheese had some flavor. They had a little baggy with a tomato slice and lettuce so it didn't get soggy, a tube of mustard and a tube of mayo. Chocolate chip cookies, a small bag of chips, a piece of fruit and a water. I got a second one on my way out. Inside you had free popcorn and free Pepsi products.

Now I've been known to bark about how PSU does things, but really and truly I thought it was fine. How often do you get to walk out the tunnel? Besides, when is the last time they did ANYTHING free for the rank-and-file?
I challenge anyone here that's complaining to put together a box lunch for 1000 or so people and do better. They even had enough foresight to stick a bottle of water in the damn thing.
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Horrible weekend for this, I was at fireworks last weekend, arts fest next weekend. Why did it not fall on a bigger weekend??? Three weeks in a row is too much over the summer.
People would complain no matter what weekend they had it. If they had it on the fourth someone would be whining it was a holiday weekend and people would be at the shore. If they had it during arts fest you would be complaining about to much traffic and hard to find hotels ect.
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I went and had a very good time. Weather was perfect. My wife and I didn't show up for the early artists. We got to our seats in section 2 right as Big & Rich started. So we missed Adley Stump and David Ray.

I thought the organizers did a very good job ... especially re: alcohol sales. They limited everyone to three beers. If you wanted more you could tailgate prior, and many did. I think this is the format they should go with for football games as well.

I hope they continue holding concerts like this in the Beav. Maybe do two "jams" each summer, one country and one pop/rock.
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Effectively, no.

Given that Beaver Stadium is essentially a "zero opportunity cost" venue (and will certainly be treated as such by the "accountants").
The total talent cost should come in under $1 MM (I think a day's work of the guy who is headlining comes in at about $500k - or less - and the rest would certainly be a lot lower than that)

The fact that the venue is treated as "free"
The concesssions and parking money is all "in house" (as far as I know)

It would be just about impossible to not make money.
Will it be a lot? Almost certainly not

These types of events at Beaver Stadium (as was discussed at length last year) are pretty much abguaranteed money maker - - - but also pretty much a guaranteed "low return" money maker........ and will be maxed out at maybe one or two per year - of the decision is made to continue after this year (which I am guessing it will be, in the spirit of the bake sale mentality)

In any event, doesn't really matter either way - as far as I can see or care - but if the events appeal to some folks, more power to 'em and I hope they enjoy themselves.

Need to look at more than revenue and cost of artist. The ancillary cost could easily strip away any profits. Don't forget to include ancillary costs such as, but not limited to the following: parking attendants, police (university, local and state police) & outside security staff, porta potties, clean-up, concession workers, ticket takers, utilities, etc.
I went and had a very good time. Weather was perfect. My wife and I didn't show up for the early artists. We got to our seats in section 2 right as Big & Rich started. So we missed Adley Stump and David Ray.

I thought the organizers did a very good job ... especially re: alcohol sales. They limited everyone to three beers. If you wanted more you could tailgate prior, and many did. I think this is the format they should go with for football games as well.

I hope they continue holding concerts like this in the Beav. Maybe do two "jams" each summer, one country and one pop/rock.

3 beers over 6 hours. not worth selling.
It is if the organizers intention is to not add to public drunkenness. If you want to be drunk it is cheaper to simply tailgate ahead of time.

Huh? my point is 3 beers over 6 hours is not going to get anyone inebriated.
Huh? my point is 3 beers over 6 hours is not going to get anyone inebriated.
Um, that is JR's point, too. The organizer's don't want people getting drunk at concerts. Hence, the 3 beer limit. Am I missing something? (quite possible)
3 beers each, say 50% of the people there were drinking. You're profiting what, $4-5 per beer?
3 beers each, say 50% of the people there were drinking. You're profiting what, $4-5 per beer?
If you do the math:

For an event like the "Jam", the beer sales profits probably net out to just about enough to pay for Barbour's benefits and expenses (not including big base salary) .......... for one month.

Or, alternatively, about 1% of the base salaries (W/o benefits and expenses) for the non-Barbour ADs and AADs and AAAD's for the year.

Seriously. That's the math.

So - yeah - AOTBTS, might as well gig 'em up.

Brings on more revenue than a car wash or a lemonade stand.

3 beers each, say 50% of the people there were drinking. You're profiting what, $4-5 per beer?

They charge 8 bucks and vendor gets 80 cents. I doubt they are paying retail for their crappy bud lights. Probably making $6 a beer and those stupid wines in a can.
They charge 8 bucks and vendor gets 80 cents. I doubt they are paying retail for their crappy bud lights. Probably making $6 a beer and those stupid wines in a can.
Beer was $5 a can.