Don't say that when you know deep down that you care al ot about what I have to say. You don't know any people that changed their gender, because you can't change your gender. Your gender is an immutable law of nature. If you hold a pen and drop it, will it float or will it fall to the ground? It will fall to the ground because of gravity, another immutable law of nature and no matter how hard I wish it to be different, the pen will always fall to the ground.
Same with your gender. No matter how hard you wish it to be different, you are born either Male or Female. You may try and wear a wig and lipstick or try and mutilate your genitals and pump yourself up with fake hormones because your body is naturally fighting what you are trying to do and telling you not to keep doing to this foolishness. Your setting yourself up for failure going down this path and we need to protect everyone under the age of 21 from being exposed to this dangerous Trans cult.