what are your thoughts re tighter transfer waiver rules? help, hurt or no impact on CFB? IMHO the current structure where the waivers are being granted suddenly alot looser, combined with the allowance of players being contacted (last June change), and combined with the technology to make it a market has made roster management a bit chaotic.
would like to see them enforce the grad transfer rule closer also. if you recall the grad transfer was supposed to be for a player who could not get the masters program at his current school. remember Russel Wilson who went from NC State to Wisky for a unique masters program that NS State did not have. i know my opin here is in the minority, but i still think the objective CFB is STUDENT first = education and degrees for life.....not minor league for NFL.
would like to see them enforce the grad transfer rule closer also. if you recall the grad transfer was supposed to be for a player who could not get the masters program at his current school. remember Russel Wilson who went from NC State to Wisky for a unique masters program that NS State did not have. i know my opin here is in the minority, but i still think the objective CFB is STUDENT first = education and degrees for life.....not minor league for NFL.