OT 11/14/70 Never forget!! Never forget the 75 who died in the Marshall plane crash


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006

never forget the 75 and how many peoples lives were changed!! Many that werent even on the plane. For example one of the boosters on the plane traveled only with his wife, and left 6 kids at home. They were all sent to live with different relatives across the country, not really knowing their own brothers and sisters as they grew up!
link to live stream of the fountain ceremony today....

The fellow at the top of the page played for MU, and graduated the year before the crash. I found him wandering around the cemetery in 2010. His son said it was the first time he had the nerve to come back
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Was at Marshall with a guy whose girlfriend’s father was a freshman on that team, and didn’t make the trip. I can only imagine how tough that would have been to live with.
read Red Dawson's book for some insight to those feelings....
A Coach in Progress: Marshall Football—A Story of Survival and Revival
RIP - I've been to 1 Marshall game in Huntington, I know the University and football team is very important to that community.

God Bless the Wichita State football victims of 1970 as well. It's much lesser known - but they lost much (not all) of their team to a plane crash in the Rocky Mountains by Loveland Pass just 43 days prior to the Marshall crash. Very irresponsible piloting on that day - it was a clear day but the pilots got themselves caught too low in the Clear Creek Canyon and couldn't climb out. I've actually hiked up to that plane crash site, much of the plane wreckage is still there.
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My neighbor was one of those lost in the crash. Great kid, great family.

In the team pic, he is #34. Middle of 3rd row.
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