OT: 5 drugs in Tiger Woods' system at time of arrest

I use "weed cream" (my term) on every pain my body ever experiences. You woukd be surprised 1) how often it works; and 2) on the types of pains where it works. I'm almost convinced that this weed cream is why the drug companies keep the pockets of the politicians lined to not only keep MJ illigal, but keep it as schedule 1. Amazing stuff.
Weed is for the People. It's the People's Weed

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It's more than that. It's totally insane. And now Sessions wants to treat marijuana sales and purchases like felonies again. Great idea! Let's fill the prisons with potheads again. That'll show them.
Dilaudid? How in the world did he get someone to prescribe Dilaudid to him? I don't know a lot about the world of prescription drugs, but isn't that sort of like the strongest thing in the world you can take?

Tiger Woods net worth is $750 million per google. And you ask how he can get Dilaudid? With that cash flow, Tiger can get whatever he wants from a drug perspective.
One of the reasons he remains out of the public eye is trying to deal with his pain. You make a choice to either be a zombie or be in pain. Right now he making a choice to mask his pain and hopefully with time can recover from this. Not a Tiger apologist but when you're in that amount of pain you'd rather be in a coma then be conscious.
Not that I have kept up with this story but I thought he had just flown back from California to Florida and was driving home at 230 am.

Supposedly, the first thing that he told the officers that found him was that he had been golfing in LA and was driving back to Orange County. That's exactly the kind of story that you might tell if you were sleep driving. Later on, he said he didn't know where he was and the cops told him that he was in Jupiter Florida. Some of the media said that he also told the police that he had flown back from LA, but I've never seen a confirmation of that from either the authorities or Woods.
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Jump to conclusions much? The great irony here is I'd bet you disagree with many of the unfounded conclusions reached by the media about JVP and Penn State. There is a big difference between highly addictive pain meds post back surgery, anxiety medication, meds to help one stay awake or fall asleep, and marijuana, and steroids or other PEDs.

No. This has been my opinion for a long time. Especially since he had several visits with arods Dr.
And there is evidence. Not jumping to anything.

No. This has been my opinion for a long time. Especially since he had several visits with arods Dr.
And there is evidence. Not jumping to anything.

"In 2011, Galea pled guilty to smuggling human growth hormone and other drugs into the United States to treat professional athletes. Both Woods and Galea have said that Woods only received only legal platelet-rich plasma therapy from Galea"

Now, now LDN - don't jump to conclusions. This Canadian Dr was the only guy who knew how to spin plasma don't you know
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One of the reasons he remains out of the public eye is trying to deal with his pain. You make a choice to either be a zombie or be in pain. Right now he making a choice to mask his pain and hopefully with time can recover from this. Not a Tiger apologist but when you're in that amount of pain you'd rather be in a coma then be conscious.

I am not an athlete, but I think I know where Tiger was. You have pain and you take opioids to allow you to do the things you used to do. But the opioids mask the pain and you do your body more damage by continuing to do those things. And, you build up a tolerance to the painkillers, so as time goes by you need more and stronger ones to get the same relief that a smaller, weaker dose used to provide.

It is a wicked spiral. You don't start at Dilaudid. You go up the ladder -- Vicodin, Percocet, Oxycontin, Dilaudid, Opana. Finally, you are taking the heavy opioids as your base dose with the lighter opioids in between for break through pain. Then, when you try to get off, you are physically hooked. I wanted off so bad that I tried to cold turkey off and went Linda Blair -- thrashed and screamed like the devil. Finally, working with my doctor to cycle down the way I cycled up and accepting that I could no longer physically do the things I enjoyed doing for 40+ years, I was able to take control of my body and my life again. I would not wish the journey on anyone.
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