He has 4 years of eligibility and could pay his own way, lets see if Franklin can talk him into trying out as our FG kicker!Young kid from Hershey, PA, with a very promising future.
Agree. I recorded it planning to just watch the Pulisic segment, but got sucked into all three.Was a good show tonight. All three stories were interesting. Enjoyed the Pulisic segment very much.
The kid will soon make more than top NFL FG kickers! Euro soccer players make crazy bank. He's already at $1.1 million a year at 19. Think about that.He has 4 years of eligibility and could pay his own way, lets see if Franklin can talk him into trying out as our FG kicker!
The 60 minutes piece said that he currently makes 8 million now. Maybe that includes endoresenents or included a signing bonus. Regardless, I was obviously joking...
Yeah, that was freakin' awesome. And to see the passion those scientists had, very humbling.And Hubbel's pictures of the face of God.