OT: 90 year old tests positive for PED's, stripped of world record

What if you’re one of 19 old men not enhancing and losing?
Yeah yeah I know fair play and all. But you’re 90 years old and so have a half dozen tue’s as it is. You’re not doing this to make a living. In fact, at that age you’re probably hauling ass in a $10k Frame set from your pension.

I’m heavily anti doping. But at this age, honestly I don’t care and probably would prefer they invest enforcement resources in younger guys.
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Yeah yeah I know fair play and all. But you’re 90 years old and so have a half dozen tue’s as it is. You’re not doing this to make a living. In fact, at that age you’re probably hauling ass in a $10k Frame set from your pension.

I’m heavily anti doping. But at this age, honestly I don’t care and probably would prefer they invest enforcement resources in younger guys.

I would guess it was so obvious they had to bust him.

No resources most likely.

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I would guess it was so obvious they had to bust him.

No resources most likely.

No, the article states fairly clearly it was sample based. And USAC does in competition tests, even at amateur races, for this type of event. I suppose I sympathize with them on that front because WADA probably requires that testing be broad based and prohibits them from ignoring guys just because they are 90. Probably a kickback from a lab contractor.

Personally, I think these 90 year old guys are pussies. This guy, on the other hand, took a real man test:

Interestingly, I seem to recall that at one of his previous attempts at the age-graded world hour (it may have been the 95+ category), they actually did a training study on him to determine whether riding less could enhance performance at advanced age. The finding was along the line of a long low intensity ride couple with a couple of shorter higher-perceived effort rides actually improved performance relative to the longer/harder riding he was doing. I think he actually got faster than his previous 5 year interval attempt.
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don't those guys know use of these kinds of PEDs destroy the sex drive !!

Nursing home joke:

Old guy named Harry in nursing home is approaching 100th birthday. His buddies, recognizing he may not have much longer, decide to get him a special present, and hire a stripper to come visit him.

Buxom stripper comes to the facility and walks up to Harry, asking "Harry, are you ready for some super sex?"

Harry responds, "I'll take the soup."
Yeah yeah I know fair play and all. But you’re 90 years old and so have a half dozen tue’s as it is. You’re not doing this to make a living. In fact, at that age you’re probably hauling ass in a $10k Frame set from your pension.

I’m heavily anti doping. But at this age, honestly I don’t care and probably would prefer they invest enforcement resources in younger guys.
The other 90 years old competitors are 90 years old too. The 90 year old non-users also want to win. They shouldn’t be put at a disadvantage just because some jackass old fart decides to cheat and believes winning is more important for him than the others. The cheater isn’t more of an old man than the other old men. Sounds like something Trump would do.

They’re only five. It’s just Little League. It’s JV, who cares?
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The other 90 years old competitors are 90 years old too. The 90 year old non-users also want to win. They shouldn’t be put at a disadvantage just because some jackass old fart decides to cheat and believes winning is more important for him than the others. The cheater isn’t more of an old man than the other old men. Sounds like something Trump would do.

They’re only five. It’s just Little League. It’s JV, who cares?

I don't doubt that the other 90 year olds want to win. My point was, given that they're 90, I'd bet that most of them have a TUE of some sort in place already, and that there comes a point where it becomes causally dubious to say that there's doping associated with the non-TUE prohibited agent, given theyre taking prohibited agents under TUEs as it is.

And, I still think it's a waste of resources better directed to other races. In my case, I knew it was time to quit racing when I looked around and saw a bunch of guys with undeveloped risk/reward genes and said to myself, "WTF am I doing? Even if I were to win this stinking race, I'd get what, like 50 bucks?" That's basically what these guys are racing for. I'd much rather having testing resources dedicated to guys that are racing for contracts.
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