OT: After more than a century, Nabisco changes box of Barnum's Animal Crackers


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2015
CAGE.-FREE. :eek:

See the link below. From the article:

"(CNN) -- After more than a century, the iconic Barnum's Animal Crackers box has gotten a redesign.

Instead of animals caged in a boxcar on their way to a circus, the animals are now roaming free -- side-by-side in a grassland.

Barnum's Animal Crackers brand has been around for more than 115 years. The change is a result of evolution, says the company that makes the snack."





I love me some animal crackers with a cup of tea. Dip them in the tea. Yummy. :)

Edit: I think I see an investment opportunity. Someday someone, somewhere is going to pay big bucks for one of those old boxes.
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Maybe it's just me but all those animals look like they're pissed off and ready to kick someone's ass. I'd feel the same way if that someone kept me in a cage for the past 100 years.
CAGE.-FREE. :eek:

See the link below. From the article:

"(CNN) -- After more than a century, the iconic Barnum's Animal Crackers box has gotten a redesign.

Instead of animals caged in a boxcar on their way to a circus, the animals are now roaming free -- side-by-side in a grassland.

Barnum's Animal Crackers brand has been around for more than 115 years. The change is a result of evolution, says the company that makes the snack."





This is what happens when you release trained animals into the wild


CAGE.-FREE. :eek:

See the link below. From the article:

"(CNN) -- After more than a century, the iconic Barnum's Animal Crackers box has gotten a redesign.

Instead of animals caged in a boxcar on their way to a circus, the animals are now roaming free -- side-by-side in a grassland.

Barnum's Animal Crackers brand has been around for more than 115 years. The change is a result of evolution, says the company that makes the snack."






Does anyone remember the ones that had a pink icing on them and the cookies themselves
were much larger?
I think they came in a box with a corrugated plastic liner that helped them stay upright?
I'm in the "way back" machine.
I have rabbits digging up my front yard for birthing their kits. So now I have to dispose of the kits and fix the holes. Maybe time to check the wasps thread again for some ideas.
I had a black Sheppard/Lab mix that kept the rabbit population down in my yard. She'd find the nest and gulp them down whole, like doing oyster shooters. She'd have to stay outside for an hour, as she would barf them up later. At our ranch, she was the best mouser/rat killer. She would root into their holes, etc. and scatter them, and then catch them and break their backs. Under some old tin, she killed over ten at one time. Dang good dog. Lived to be 15 and we had to put her down. Just adopted a 12 and 14 year old mixed set from the kennel 6 weeks ago. Their owner got sick and couldn't take care of them, so we couldn't let these old guys rot in the kennel. Funny seeing them chase the rabbits around, as they never get close like the lab did.
I had a black Sheppard/Lab mix that kept the rabbit population down in my yard.

My little 11 pound yorkie has captured a few baby rabbits over the years. Those things are loud when he gets ahold one. Makes my wife so angry.
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Does anyone remember the ones that had a pink icing on them and the cookies themselves
were much larger?
I think they came in a box with a corrugated plastic liner that helped them stay upright?
I'm in the "way back" machine.

Yes. They are awesome. Recently I tried to find them and I think Walmart carries them (or very similar).
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