OT: Architecture Porn - the spanking new U.S. Embassy in London....

  • Thread starter anon_xdc8rmuek44eq
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I don't know how many 'architecture' fans there are here, but I'm one and am really into the new digs our diplomats in London will call home in the near future. Of course, they're moving out of the gorgeous, and well located old one in the posh Grosvenor Square and to a developing, more industrial part of town. Eero Saarinen was the architect of the old building (also designed Dulles Airport) which looked like this:


The new embassy will be in the Nine Elms area and will actually have a moat (sort of)!





looks like it's designed to keep truck bombs at a distance, probably a good idea

Being made with bomb-proof materials too (the pond and park are as much strategic as they are aesthetic - good buffer from truck bombs and the like).
I appreciate architecture and wanted to be an architect when I was young... I even have an AA in Architectural Technology (drafting). Alas, I decided that a more stable career in corporate/manufacturing would be less stressful relative to the next paycheck and honestly was better at straight lines than organic shapes. My nephew is at Pratt Institute in NYC studying architecture and doing extremely well. I will have to live vicariously through him.
I bet sandy barbour sees that building and gets some ideas for a new Penn State Athletics Executive Committees, Sub-Committees, and Sub-Sub-Committees Building and Events Center.

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Did he always know he wanted to be an architect, or did he just kind of fall into it?

I don't know exactly when he first wanted to be an architect, but it was something he talked about in high school. This likely explains why he is driven and I bailed on the idea. I never really had a plan for what I was going to do (other than join the Army).
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His name is Art Vandelay.

Back in the late 90's, I would call my buddy at his work every once and a while and tell the receptionist that I was Art Vendelay wanting to speak to XXX. He would have the receptionist ask me what type of business I was in and I would tell her Import, Export business.. I'm not sure which of us had a harder time keeping from breaking up laughing.
Back in the late 90's, I would call my buddy at his work every once and a while and tell the receptionist that I was Art Vendelay wanting to speak to XXX. He would have the receptionist ask me what type of business I was in and I would tell her Import, Export business.. I'm not sure which of us had a harder time keeping from breaking up laughing.

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I guess I'm old fashioned but I'll take the old one.
I kind of like the look of the old one too. Kind of has the same look as the CIA Old Headquarters Building. To each his own I guess.

I was looking for the US Embassy the last time I was in London which was about a month ago and I could not easily identify it. The Canadian Embassy on the other hand was well decorated and proudly "announced" off of one of the corners in Trafalgar Square. Probably for the better in these somewhat troubling times.