OT - Baseball Playoffs are excruciating

Baseball is interesting to follow through box scores and highlights, stories about a favorite team during the season.

Watching a full game on TV (and playoff games are worse)?
Not fun.
This is where I stand. I love the MLB site. I watched the highlights of the Astro's rally this morning. I also watched Bellinger's homer.
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This is where I stand. I love the MLB site. I watched the highlights of the Astro's rally this morning. I also watched Bellinger's homer.
Did MLB show the strike 3 on Martinez in the bottom of the 8th, then the ball on a strike 3 in the top of the ninth? Absolute disgrace...Diaz should be fired. Not for being a cheat...but because he sucks! Game should have been 2-2 heading to the bottom of the ninth.
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let me be clear..this call did not cost the Sox the game. They walked 7 guys, although in honesty it should have been only 3, and they left 11 guys on base. They should have been ahead 6-2 when this awful call was made.
It sounds like he really had a lousy game behind the plate.
Well, let me say this. I could do a fifth of Jack, and smoke 3 joints, and still call balls and strikes better than this guy! Rob Manfred has to be saying this morning: "WTF!"
Baseball is interesting to follow through box scores and highlights, stories about a favorite team during the season.

Watching a full game on TV (and playoff games are worse)?
Not fun.
To each his own, Roy. IMHO, baseball (especially playoff baseball) > college football > pro football. By a significant margin.
OP - What??? You don't enjoy watching batters step out of the box after every pitch and waste 30 seconds to adjust their gloves & cup, knock the dust off their cleats? You don't appreciate it when a relief pitcher who just warmed up in the bullpen for 15 minutes has to come out and throw another 20 warmup pitches from the mound? How about the 50 shots / game of guys spitting in the dugout? Fantastic television.

also love the prolonged debates about whether a bat flip or a fist pump was disrespectful and against the "unwritten" rules of the game.
Why wouldn't they?

Sadly a lot of people still ask why we have a football program.
They should not have a World Series title. They were not punished nearly sufficiently. It's Pro wrestling if a team can get away with that. And if fake shit is your thing, Pro Wrestling would be more entertaining.
I loved baseball my whole life. It just doesn't interest me anymore largely because of the cheating scandal, backyard looking infield shifts, all the metrics, and apparently pitchers can't throw more than 50 or so pitches anymore.
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it is interesting when you watch a repeat of an old classic from the 1970's or 1980's. Basically pitch happens, catcher throws ball back to pitcher who is on the mound already, batter never really leaves the batters box, pitchers get a sign and pitches.

In today's game, the batter leaves the box after every pitch and adjust all kinds of things. pitcher leaves the pitchers mound for his pre-pitch routine. Catcher looks over to dugout to coach to get what they want, then catcher flashes sign, and then batter gets in box, and then finally the pitch occurs.
Yup, especially stepping out of the box. My daughter had a softball game on Saturday and a girl on the other team stepped out of the box after every pitch and called time just like the big leaguers. Her at bat lasted about 8 minutes. Ha
Did MLB show the strike 3 on Martinez in the bottom of the 8th, then the ball on a strike 3 in the top of the ninth? Absolute disgrace...Diaz should be fired. Not for being a cheat...but because he sucks! Game should have been 2-2 heading to the bottom of the ninth.
Agreed and I have no dog in this fight. I went to this morning and couldn't find one mention of the poor calls behind the plate. I take it the league is protecting the umps? How can one write an article about this game and not bring it up? That's weak!
Agreed and I have no dog in this fight. I went to this morning and couldn't find one mention of the poor calls behind the plate. I take it the league is protecting the umps? How can one write an article about this game and not bring it up? That's weak!
Listened to a guy on Sirius radio...MLB network...he had a great point to make. We now have the technology to get this right. Why not use it. His proposal ,that I really agreed with, was to allow coaches to have two challenges per game on any play. This includes balls and strikes. The coach keeps the challenges as long as they don't lose whatever they challenged. In the ninth inning EVERYTHING is reviewed including balls and strikes and all scoring plays. This was a disgrace last nite. Like I said in an earlier thread, the Sox allowed this call to be important by not leaving 11 guys on. But when you see how awful these 2 calls were and have the ability to correct's just not right.