OT: Be careful what you wish for... new job offer in Colorado

Go for the puppy and the rescue!

They will be playmates and the puppy will keep you young.
My resume was in Monster and you can select where you are willing to

relocate to. When I updated my resume this past December, it go a lot more attention on Monster and this one happened to be in Colorado.
Good advice. I see you can think "out of the box" and will be

an asset wherever you land.
My niece just moved to Golden. Co. and loves it.
Well seems you've got a ton of advice. FWIW my view

It all depends on your priorities and the season of life you are currently facing. As others have mentioned, time seemingly begins to speed up as you age and before you know it you've hopefully experienced many of the seasons of life (although there are no guarantees about tomorrow for any of us). What are your top priorities you are facing ? Career ? Family ? Lifestyle ? Preparation for Retirement ? These are just some of the factors to consider.

I've moved 7 times in my life, leaving Pa. for Los Angeles, San. Fran., Connecticut, Chicago, Houston, Dallas, back to Houston. Never regretted any of the moves, although most were all generated by career aspirations early on with the first 4 moves before having a family. The last 3 relocations were definitely both career and family oriented, as living down south was a primary consideration since my wife was from Louisiana. Word to the wise, she needs to be involved and buy-in to the relocation. If kids are involved, it's even a bigger deal, since you really impact their lives in a big way.

Won't get into more details, only to say that I don't regret any move and I was able to adapt fine wherever I lived. I also found it to be very educational and you learn to appreciate different cultures around this great country of ours. You also feel you have ties, or binds to the areas you have previously lived, including friends, experiences, memories, etc....

This post was edited on 3/16 1:37 PM by GulfCoastLion

This post was edited on 3/16 1:48 PM by GulfCoastLion
Agree 110% It was clear from how Illinois spoke here that the

hound that died was irreplaceable. So get two! The heir and a spare!
Re: A PROPOSED dent to your net income of 0.63% would force you to move?

Originally posted by uppermaclion:
Yes it will because it won't be the last either. Compound that money that I won't have over 15-20 even with a low interest and you aren't talking about pennies. It adds up pretty fast and starts approaching a good bit of money. I highly doubt the taxes will DECREASE in PA during that time either. It adds up pretty significantly.

1. PA Gas tax going to be the highest in the country in a few years
2. 20% increase in state income tax
3. 10% increase in sales tax

I personally don't think this will be the last either. Regardless my tax rate in Florida/Texas would be way less then in PA. So for me, it is a big deal. Like I said for you it may not be an issue, for me it is.
Take Texas for example. How does the higher sales and real estate tax enter into the equation? In some areas the sales tax is 8.25% abd far more things are taxable in Texas

This post was edited on 3/16 2:48 PM by PSU_Nut
Re: It's all comfort zone stuff....

Four simple words:
1. Pro's
2. Cons
3. Needs
4. Wants

Make a list with the first two. Pro's and cons. The list provides a great snapshot.

Then answer the following questions: DOes the move provide the needs you have? Does the move satisfy the wants you have?

This is all simple advice provided to me over and over from my mother, and it usually clearly spells out an answer.

Hope it helps.
Lots of good advice here. A few thoughts:

1. If you're risk adverse, you'll always come up with reasons not to do something that isn't a slam dunk. Don't let that stop you.

2. As an extension to the above thought, timing is not always going to be perfect for any decision. Waiting for the perfect time means you could be waiting forever.

3. Sometimes you won't know the perfect move until you've done it and seen the result.

4. Buy-in from both parties is important.

5. People on their death bed rarely regret the things they've done. They usually regret the chances they didn't take.

6. Age is a factor... it's easier to get a new job the younger you are. Waiting until you're older may make it more difficult, especially if the industry you're in is not centered in the area you're moving to.

7. Moving is one of the most stressful life events for most people, especially the older and established you get. Don't confuse that stress with an excuse not to go. In the end, the stress of the move is temporary (especially if you can get the company to pay for everything).

Without knowing all the details, my advice: go.