OT: Do turning lanes have no meaning anymore?


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2016
I keep seeing more and more of this. People are in a turning lane and then decide that is not the way they want to go so they just completely ignore that they are in a turning lane and just go the way they want to go. They will either squeeze into the other lane or block traffic in the turning lane. Sometimes it is intentional to get ahead of traffic or sometimes they just end up in the wrong lane. What I was always taught and what I still do is if I am in a turning lane, I make the turn and figure out how to get where I need to go later (do U-turn someplace or whatever). Is this new or am I just noticing it more in my cranky old age?
It's just people doing whatever benefits them the most with no regard to how it affects others. Same as not using turn signals. Just jam yourself into the lane, screw the other cars around you, they don't need to know you're about to endanger them.

On a related note, the kids on penn state campus just stepping off the curb without looking into the path of cars. Nowhere near a crosswalk. I can't imagine having such little value for my life that I'd just risk death like that.
It's just people doing whatever benefits them the most with no regard to how it affects others. Same as not using turn signals. Just jam yourself into the lane, screw the other cars around you, they don't need to know you're about to endanger them.

On a related note, the kids on penn state campus just stepping off the curb without looking into the path of cars. Nowhere near a crosswalk. I can't imagine having such little value for my life that I'd just risk death like that.

First of all the mindset these days seem to be the rules apply to everyone else but me.

Secondly, I don't believe parents are teaching their kids to look both ways before crossing a street these days. They think if they just walk out in the street the big machine that could kill them will stop because it has a computer in it!
I keep seeing more and more of this. People are in a turning lane and then decide that is not the way they want to go so they just completely ignore that they are in a turning lane and just go the way they want to go. They will either squeeze into the other lane or block traffic in the turning lane. Sometimes it is intentional to get ahead of traffic or sometimes they just end up in the wrong lane. What I was always taught and what I still do is if I am in a turning lane, I make the turn and figure out how to get where I need to go later (do U-turn someplace or whatever). Is this new or am I just noticing it more in my cranky old age?

Its not you and its not your "old age".
Its mostly inconsiderate drivers who think they are the only ones on the road.
I do the same thing you do. continue on and either make a U turn or find the next light or business and adjust the route with traffic lights. It might not be quicker but its 100x safer.
I keep seeing more and more of this. People are in a turning lane and then decide that is not the way they want to go so they just completely ignore that they are in a turning lane and just go the way they want to go. They will either squeeze into the other lane or block traffic in the turning lane. Sometimes it is intentional to get ahead of traffic or sometimes they just end up in the wrong lane. What I was always taught and what I still do is if I am in a turning lane, I make the turn and figure out how to get where I need to go later (do U-turn someplace or whatever). Is this new or am I just noticing it more in my cranky old age?

My take is if the license plate is local, it's intentional. If not, I typically give them a pass. For example - I drive by the White House every day on my way home from work (15th St.). My goal is to get to Constitution Blvd. which is perpendicular to 15th, where I want to make a right turn to head towards NoVA. 15th St. has three lanes - the far right lane is typically filled with tour buses and souvenir trucks, so even though that is the best lane to be in to turn right, you can't get into it until about 20 feet from the turn. Moving left, the next two lanes go straight (to cross Constitution). About 50% of the cars in the 'middle lane' try to go as far as they can before cutting in to the far right lane. If it's a cab, they're more aggressive. So, even though I wait extra time, I always stay to the right and never let anyone merge if I can help it. Of course, lots of folks simply turn right from the middle lane. The bigger issue here is allowing tour buses and souvenir trucks to block an entire lane of traffic during the evening commute.
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First of all the mindset these days seem to be the rules apply to everyone else but me.

Secondly, I don't believe parents are teaching their kids to look both ways before crossing a street these days. They think if they just walk out in the street the big machine that could kill them will stop because it has a computer in it!

Actually, at least in regards to the kids on campus, they or we and me never looked either way back in the 80's.
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My take is if the license plate is local, it's intentional. If not, I typically give them a pass. For example - I drive by the White House every day on my way home from work (14th St.). My goal is to get to Constitution Blvd. which is perpendicular to 14th, where I want to make a right turn to head towards NoVA. 14th St. has three lanes - the far right lane is typically filled with tour buses and souvenir trucks, so even though that is the best lane to be in to turn right, you can't get into it until about 20 feet from the turn. Moving left, the next two lanes go straight (to cross Constitution). About 50% of the cars in the 'middle lane' try to go as far as they can before cutting in to the far right lane. If it's a cab, they're more aggressive. So, even though I wait extra time, I always stay to the right and never let anyone merge if I can help it. Of course, lots of folks simply turn right from the middle lane. The bigger issue here is allowing tour buses and souvenir trucks to block an entire lane of traffic during the evening commute.

DC is just horrid to drive through, you got tourists walking in front of you, busses, cabs, ubers, lyfts, tour busses, tour trolleys, bikers...and steets that change direction depending on the time of day. UGhhh. I hate driving in DC.
DC is just horrid to drive through, you got tourists walking in front of you, busses, cabs, ubers, lyfts, tour busses, tour trolleys, bikers...and steets that change direction depending on the time of day. UGhhh. I hate driving in DC.

It is pretty though :).

Oh - you forgot....

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I was pulling out of a parking space and some girl almost walked right into my passenger door because she had her head down texting

Yep, and driving 60MPH through the parking lot.
I stopped, the other day, to let a older man walk across the parking lot and the car behind me went around me
and passed and came within (me blowing the horn) for him not to run over the guy I was letting pass.:mad::mad::mad:
I can't stand the people that pull into a busy intersection turning across traffic knowing they can't clear it until it's red, wait until their light does turn red, then make the turn while traffic the other direction has the green or green arrow. They've essentially screwed over 2 or 3 cars from getting through their light. You can't just wait another minute until you have your turning arrow and it's your turn?

Same with morons at lights on their phone. Because you're a self absorbed jackass someone else suffers.
It's just people doing whatever benefits them the most with no regard to how it affects others. Same as not using turn signals. Just jam yourself into the lane, screw the other cars around you, they don't need to know you're about to endanger them.

On a related note, the kids on penn state campus just stepping off the curb without looking into the path of cars. Nowhere near a crosswalk. I can't imagine having such little value for my life that I'd just risk death like that.
Seems to have more to do with a waning sense of community. Civility, mutual responsibility, etc.--those things that are important to promoting or protecting one's community--are giving way to why should I? ... and I don't care
you can't make me ... '" "and
you can't prove/it would be too costly to prove I did wrong ... " ".

It's because once folks get through the intersection after cutting all others off, it's over. 100% benefit and negligible chance of negative consequence. With God and community fading, there aren't enough authorities around to force the right behavior on a large scale.

Go to a country club, a private living community or any other place where folks have to live with the consequences of acting like a jerk. You'll see it happens less and less. Not because these places are better--and certainly not because people there are any better (they leave and many will happily cut you off). Just because there are still rewards for behaving properly and consequences for not, even if just social rewards and consequences. This is really re: the adults involved.

Kids have always walked around PSU's campus without worry of getting hit. There's just more people and more traffic now. Youngsters have always been immortal and stupid. We were more like that than we'd like to remember.
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I can't stand the people that pull into a busy intersection turning across traffic knowing they can't clear it until it's red, wait until their light does turn red, then make the turn while traffic the other direction has the green or green arrow. They've essentially screwed over 2 or 3 cars from getting through their light. You can't just wait another minute until you have your turning arrow and it's your turn?

Same with morons at lights on their phone. Because you're a self absorbed jackass someone else suffers.

In Balto city they have started to aggressively ticket "grid blockers" and people who double park on the street.
Its always been a huge issue on Calvert St. in the Mt. Vernon area.
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I hate people that can't make a proper left hand turn. Nobody seems capable of making a wide turn and staying in their own lane. Instead they cut across the oncoming traffic lane. I guess it's a shortcut? I don't know how many times I almost get hit approaching an intersection by someone who can't do this properly.
Don't tell someone they are in the wrong lane, or this may be you next time.

‘I could actually hear the bones breaking in my face’- Victim Recalls Road Rage Beating

'I could actually hear the bones breaking in my face' - Victim Recalls Road Rage Beating

DICKSON CITY, Pa. -- A man in Lackawanna County says he was nearly killed after being punched out at a stoplight in Dickson City last month by a road rage driver.

Jim Abdalla from Scott Township was rushed to the emergency room after he was punched several times in the face after the incident two weeks ago.

He still hasn't recovered from the beating.

Abdalla was driving home from Scranton on Route 6 near the Viewmont Mall in Dickson City on October 30, when he says a man alone, in a white Honda or Hyundai vehicle, was driving erratically.

"He was looking through and the arms were going, and he was pointing fingers, and I'm not quite sure what his problem was," Abdalla recalled.

According to the Dickson City police report, Abdalla told the driver, "You're in the wrong lane." Moments later, the light turned red at the intersection of Route 6 and Scott Road, about a mile away from the mall.

After Abdalla stopped, the man he was arguing with got out of his car and came to the driver's side window, so Abdalla rolled his window down to see what he had to say.

Instead of continuing the argument, the man started punching Abdalla in the face, and since Abdalla had his seatbelt on, he was a sitting duck.

"He blasts me in the face, there was blood flying out, just bang, bang, bang, bang, as I'm strapped in my seat," he said. "I could actually hear the bones breaking in my face as he was hitting me."

"Why would you roll the window down?"

"I rolled it down because I didn't really think that it was that big of a deal," Abdalla replied.

"We would want to follow up on this as best we can so we could get somebody like this off the road," said Dickson City Patrolman Michael Fredericks.

Dickson City police want to talk to a bystander who helped break up the fight.

Police also describe the road rage driver on its Facebook page: a white man in his 30s with beard growth and a tattoo on his chest.

"He may hurt somebody if not kill somebody," said Abdalla.

Abdalla hopes anyone on Route 6 Tuesday morning, October 30, steps forward with information about the road rager who beat him.

"It's not bad now. It's been two weeks, but he could easily have killed me or somebody else, so this guy needs to be caught," Abdalla added.

Abdalla is in the process of posting a reward to help find the road rage driver.

Dickson City police say if you believe you are targeted by an aggressive driver, dial 911, head to a public place, and never roll down your window if approached.
One more traffic complaint. Yesterday on my way home from work I follow (at a 4 car length distance) a guy doing anywhere from 5 to 13mph below the 55mph speed limit, for about 6-7 miles. I usually do 5 over. When we get to a clear and legal area to pass, I go around. Next thing you know, I'm approaching 75mph to get around and back over. For the next 3 miles the same slow driver is 3 feet off of my back bumper and I have my cruise set at 60mph. Why? If he was going that speed to begin with, I wouldn't have passed.
One more traffic complaint. Yesterday on my way home from work I follow (at a 4 car length distance) a guy doing anywhere from 5 to 13mph below the 55mph speed limit, for about 6-7 miles. I usually do 5 over. When we get to a clear and legal area to pass, I go around. Next thing you know, I'm approaching 75mph to get around and back over. For the next 3 miles the same slow driver is 3 feet off of my back bumper and I have my cruise set at 60mph. Why? If he was going that speed to begin with, I wouldn't have passed.

If it was dark, chances are that he wanted to use your tail lights to help him navigate. Another reason would be that you woke him up to his speed by passing. See it all the time.
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Mr. Gambit, I have a confession. The other night I was flipping through the channels and ran into an older movie called The Big Town. I got to see your girl topless wearing only underwear (she was playing a stripper). She was a fox then and still is now.
Don't tell someone they are in the wrong lane, or this may be you next time.

‘I could actually hear the bones breaking in my face’- Victim Recalls Road Rage Beating

'I could actually hear the bones breaking in my face' - Victim Recalls Road Rage Beating

DICKSON CITY, Pa. -- A man in Lackawanna County says he was nearly killed after being punched out at a stoplight in Dickson City last month by a road rage driver.

Jim Abdalla from Scott Township was rushed to the emergency room after he was punched several times in the face after the incident two weeks ago.

He still hasn't recovered from the beating.

Abdalla was driving home from Scranton on Route 6 near the Viewmont Mall in Dickson City on October 30, when he says a man alone, in a white Honda or Hyundai vehicle, was driving erratically.

"He was looking through and the arms were going, and he was pointing fingers, and I'm not quite sure what his problem was," Abdalla recalled.

According to the Dickson City police report, Abdalla told the driver, "You're in the wrong lane." Moments later, the light turned red at the intersection of Route 6 and Scott Road, about a mile away from the mall.

After Abdalla stopped, the man he was arguing with got out of his car and came to the driver's side window, so Abdalla rolled his window down to see what he had to say.

Instead of continuing the argument, the man started punching Abdalla in the face, and since Abdalla had his seatbelt on, he was a sitting duck.

"He blasts me in the face, there was blood flying out, just bang, bang, bang, bang, as I'm strapped in my seat," he said. "I could actually hear the bones breaking in my face as he was hitting me."

"Why would you roll the window down?"

"I rolled it down because I didn't really think that it was that big of a deal," Abdalla replied.

"We would want to follow up on this as best we can so we could get somebody like this off the road," said Dickson City Patrolman Michael Fredericks.

Dickson City police want to talk to a bystander who helped break up the fight.

Police also describe the road rage driver on its Facebook page: a white man in his 30s with beard growth and a tattoo on his chest.

"He may hurt somebody if not kill somebody," said Abdalla.

Abdalla hopes anyone on Route 6 Tuesday morning, October 30, steps forward with information about the road rager who beat him.

"It's not bad now. It's been two weeks, but he could easily have killed me or somebody else, so this guy needs to be caught," Abdalla added.

Abdalla is in the process of posting a reward to help find the road rage driver.

Dickson City police say if you believe you are targeted by an aggressive driver, dial 911, head to a public place, and never roll down your window if approached.
what if you're packing?
I hate to have such a pessimistic view but I think people are simply more inconsiderate now a days. It’s more than just driving. It’s in the stores. It’s in classrooms. It’s in politics. It’s online. It’s in nearly every place that people gather.

People used to be taught manners and were better socialized. Unfortunately, we’ve been conditioned to be less personal in our interactions. You execute purchases online. You talk via text. You answer someone back when you damn well feel like it. People aren’t being taught to respect their elders.

It’s me, me, me, I, I, and now, or yesterday, and get out of the way. Sad. Because getting that thing isn’t nearly as important as how you treat people. Upselling isn’t nearly as valuable as building relationships. Customer service? What happened to that? I wish I had more faith that our society would be more respectful and caring but the older I grow the more evidence I see to the contrary.
In Balto city they have started to aggressively ticket "grid blockers" and people who double park on the street.
Its always been a huge issue on Calvert St. in the Mt. Vernon area.
Every city gets aggressive on grid blockers, installs Xs, stripes or whatever, then in a few months they stop enforcement and the blocking resumes. Best solution seems to be intersection cameras, which are crazy expensive.

Double parking is worse and harder to regulate. Once we get cameras everywhere, or deputize everyone to use our camera-phones to rat each other out, the fear of God will finally return and the trend may start to reverse. Its not about right or wrong. It's about human nature and risk-reward.
My take is if the license plate is local, it's intentional. If not, I typically give them a pass. For example - I drive by the White House every day on my way home from work (15th St.). My goal is to get to Constitution Blvd. which is perpendicular to 15th, where I want to make a right turn to head towards NoVA. 15th St. has three lanes - the far right lane is typically filled with tour buses and souvenir trucks, so even though that is the best lane to be in to turn right, you can't get into it until about 20 feet from the turn. Moving left, the next two lanes go straight (to cross Constitution). About 50% of the cars in the 'middle lane' try to go as far as they can before cutting in to the far right lane. If it's a cab, they're more aggressive. So, even though I wait extra time, I always stay to the right and never let anyone merge if I can help it. Of course, lots of folks simply turn right from the middle lane. The bigger issue here is allowing tour buses and souvenir trucks to block an entire lane of traffic during the evening commute.

Hopefully AMAZON. :eek: hires good drivers. :eek:
I hate people that can't make a proper left hand turn. Nobody seems capable of making a wide turn and staying in their own lane. Instead they cut across the oncoming traffic lane. I guess it's a shortcut? I don't know how many times I almost get hit approaching an intersection by someone who can't do this properly.

A similar complaint, people who drift right before turning left. As if the turning radius of their car would not allow them to make the turn otherwise.
When I am elected president, there will be between 12-20 people who are qualified to have a drivers license. Everyone else causes too much :eek: on the roads.
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About 50% of the cars in the 'middle lane' try to go as far as they can before cutting in to the far right lane. If it's a cab, they're more aggressive. So, even though I wait extra time, I always stay to the right and never let anyone merge if I can help it. Of course, lots of folks simply turn right from the middle lane. The bigger issue here is allowing tour buses and souvenir trucks to block an entire lane of traffic during the evening commute.

This goes both ways though. If all the cars in the right lane were paying attention, others wouldn't be able to merge in, and more cars would be able to make it through the light. But everyone is looking at their phone, and they leave huge gaps that people can merge into.
THis is basically Maryland every day.

Turning lanes mean nothing. Merge lanes mean nothing. Exit lanes mean nothing. They're all travel lanes. Heck I see people use the onramp merge lanes as travel lanes to get around traffic (which usually amounts to 2-3 cars)
I keep seeing more and more of this. People are in a turning lane and then decide that is not the way they want to go so they just completely ignore that they are in a turning lane and just go the way they want to go. They will either squeeze into the other lane or block traffic in the turning lane. Sometimes it is intentional to get ahead of traffic or sometimes they just end up in the wrong lane. What I was always taught and what I still do is if I am in a turning lane, I make the turn and figure out how to get where I need to go later (do U-turn someplace or whatever). Is this new or am I just noticing it more in my cranky old age?
Been working alot lately in D.C. and have noticed that happening in front of me @ ontersections.
Been working alot lately in D.C. and have noticed that happening in front of me @ ontersections.

The other thing I see happening around here a lot is if there are 2 lanes plus a left or right turn lane. Its the people that keep 2 truck lengths between them and the car in front of them so they can play on their phone without the fear of hitting the person in the back end. Problem is if you get 2 or more people doing it, it backs those 2 lanes up so far that you now cant get into the turn lanes and make your light. You have to wait for the light to turn green on the straight ahead lanes so you then can move into your turn lane and then wait for the complete cycle (again) so you can make your turn. Where as if they would just not be worried about who texted them they could have pulled up enough so that the people behind them could get into their turn lanes and make their lights.
The other thing I see happening around here a lot is if there are 2 lanes plus a left or right turn lane. Its the people that keep 2 truck lengths between them and the car in front of them so they can play on their phone without the fear of hitting the person in the back end. Problem is if you get 2 or more people doing it, it backs those 2 lanes up so far that you now cant get into the turn lanes and make your light. .

These folks should be drawn and quartered.

The highway is about 1/2 mile from the entrance to my neighborhood. I turn right and want to drive that 1/2 mile in the right lane to the on-ramp. But these low-lifes are also in the right lane. And they want to drive ten miles per hour and have 3 car lengths between them. So I have so sit and wait to be able to merge onto the highway. Simply because these shitbirds are hanging around in the road. They are sure not traveling. They are just hanging out.
My pet peeve. Driving down the highway and see some jabroni who decided to take the exit, and then half way down decides its the wrong exit. So instead of just continuing off, they decide the smart move is to stop and backup on the ramp back out onto the highway. Times like this I wish I was a Trooper. The ticket would be for every charge I could remotely justify.
I keep seeing more and more of this. People are in a turning lane and then decide that is not the way they want to go so they just completely ignore that they are in a turning lane and just go the way they want to go. They will either squeeze into the other lane or block traffic in the turning lane. Sometimes it is intentional to get ahead of traffic or sometimes they just end up in the wrong lane. What I was always taught and what I still do is if I am in a turning lane, I make the turn and figure out how to get where I need to go later (do U-turn someplace or whatever). Is this new or am I just noticing it more in my cranky old age?

Don’t forget the people who don’t use their cruise control, speed up and slow down so you pass them a dozen times in a ten mile stretch of highway! :mad::mad::mad: