OT: Dog Beach in Jupiter - this is where the fun is at for the dogs [video]

Here's another one (just search jupiter dog beach on youtube and there are tons).

Love how the Golden is just chilling

Gotta be careful at dog beaches with smaller dogs. I know a person in my development that had their dog at the dog beach and their dog got attacked and ended up dying a couple of years ago. And was just at the local dog park this weekend and talking to a lady there as her dog was pretty shy and she said that just a few weeks ago she was at the dog beach and her dog got attacked (no major injuries as she broke it up pretty quick) but the dog now has become very shy understandbly.
The Side Effects of Drinking Salt Water

1. Drinking salt water is unsafe because it results in an osmotic effect that triggers diarrhea, causing dehydration in your pooch to worsen.
2. Fido may also vomit if he drinks the water too quickly, which may make his dehydration even more severe.
3. Aside from that, even if your pooch does not directly glug down salt water, he still may swallow small amounts of it while he’s swimming and playing in the beach.
4. If your dog ingests sand along with the salt water, its effects may worsen or hurt your dog’s intestines.
5. There is also the chance your dog will accidentally ingest bacteria, algae, or another toxin at the beach which will make him ill later on.
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Used to take my retriever Roscoe to Montrose dog beach in Chicago’s north shore. He would retrieve tennis balls for HOURS and then protest when I’d finally want to go home. I miss that pup.
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Two words:

No. That's up the road at the lagoon in Dubois Park where all the toddlers swim.
