Two years after using them once to buy a textbook for my daughter, they started charging my debit card $20/mth. Took me a couple months to notice it. Researching online, they are doing it to a ton of other people.
Two years after using them once to buy a textbook for my daughter, they started charging my debit card $20/mth. Took me a couple months to notice it. Researching online, they are doing it to a ton of other people.
Huh, used them for a textbook for my high school daughter for a dual enrollment course last fall. Better go back and look at my statements a little closer. What are they saying the $20 is for? Ongoing rent?
Two years after using them once to buy a textbook for my daughter, they started charging my debit card $20/mth. Took me a couple months to notice it. Researching online, they are doing it to a ton of other people.
Which of course begs the question, why pay for anything with a debit card? Not nearly the protections that credit cards have.
Visa-branded debit cards have the same zero-liability protection as Visa credit cards. The issue is that it's your liquid cash that's being tied up rather than a line of credit.